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/A/N/ This chapter is where things start to become different from the original series.


In Sendaria, many Ardoni are peacefully working. Over a hill, a young Sendaris Ardoni is training alone with wooden sword.

/A/N/ Don't worry, I haven't totally deleted Senn, he's just going to appear much later in the story ( and I mean much much later )

Another Ardoni riding a horse approaches the area. He rides up and stops on one of the low hills. He looks down at her.

The Sendaris continues swinging her sword around, not having noticed the other Ardoni's arrival.

Suddenly, she clashes it with another diamond sword. She looks up.

' Thalleous!' she's surprised to see Thalleous in front of her.

' Training out here alone again, Ria?' Thalleous puts his sword on his back again.

' Yes… I don't exactly have anyone to train with…' Ria looks at her feet.

Thalleous thinks for a moment.
' Maybe someday, I can train you.'

Ria looks up happily. ' Really?'

' But I'm not sure Osivian will approve.'

Ria looks down, disappointed. ' Yeah… He probably wouldn't…'

' And he would definitely not want you to have, what I'm about to give you.'

Ria face brightens. ' What did you bring me?'

Thalleous pulls out a Mobilum Song.

' A Song? For me?' Ria takes it excitedly.

' In the old days it was common for Ardoni of your age to wield Songs. It is our unique ability to harness their power. To deny their usage is to deny the one thing that makes us Ardoni.'

Ria takes a closer look at her Song. It lets out muffled hummings.

' First I have some important business to take care of. Now remember, you cannot let Osivian know about…'

' Thalleous? Is that you?' a voice cuts Thalleous off.

Thalleous turns around. ' Oh, Osivian!' he stammers, ' Apologies for arriving uninvited…'

Ria quickly hides the Song.

Osivian Sendaris walks up to them.
' Thalleous, Sendaria is your home, you are always welcome here.'

Osivian turns to Ria. ' What are you doing alone out here?' He eyes her wooden sword. ' I told you, you have too many responsibilities to go gallivanting off, seeking danger!'

Ria rolls her eyes. ' I know, because I'm one of the few remaining female Ardoni. You've told me that before.'

' I wish you would respect my wishes, Ria…'

' Alright, Osivian!' Thalleous stops Osivian. ' I think she has heard enough for today. I have matters of great urgency to discuss with you.'

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