The Knights Of Ardonia

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/A/N/ I don't exactly have a picture for this chapter, as I can't find a picture of the place, or a picture of the Knights of Ardonia together.

Ria's p.o.v

We've been on the road for ages! Apparently the guy I bumped into that day is the Tidesinger’s son, and he's joining us. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed every time I look at him. Why, of all people, did I bump into the Tidesinger’s son. If I remembered correctly, his name was Senn.

' Are we there yet?' I groan.

' Have a little more patience, Ria,' Thalleous tells me.

This just makes me let out another groan.

' So, Senn,' Thalleous turns his attention to Senn. ' What happened to you all these years? You've been missing, and you seem to not have aged much.'

' I think Ingressus opened a portal that took us through time. He threw me through it, and here I am.'

' Wait, Ingressus? You mean the Deathsinger?' I perk up at the sound of an interesting topic.

' Yes, the Deathsinger.' Senn nods.

' The Deathsinger is alive?' Hubris asks, sounding a bit shocked.

' Yes, he is.'

' If the Deathsinger is alive, then what are going to do?' I ask.

There's a moment of silence before Senn breaks it.

' I will kill him.'

' I hope you're as good as your father,' Hubris says.

' Trust me, Senn is really good,' Thalleous tells him, smiling.

We arrive at an inlet in a mountain. We dismount our horses and continue on foot.

After a while of walking, we reach a dead end.

Thalleous goes over to a small hole in the wall. He flicks something, and a entrance opens up in the mountain wall. He gestures for us to go inside.

It's a bit dark and cold inside, but we soon reach a large open lit area. Vines hang from the walls, and rays of light shine through holes in the ceiling. The room is covered in maps, weapons and all kinds of stuff.

A Magnorite walks out. ' Ah, new recruits, I see.'

' This is Onyx,' Thalleous motions to him.

A girl is fletching arrows in a corner.
She looks up at us.

' That's Masani. She doesn't talk much, but she's an exceptional archer.'

Masani flips her hair.

' And somewhere around here, we have someone who doesn't talk at all,' Thalleous motions to another corner of the room.

A... "I don't know what that is" waves to us happily.

' That's Grim.'

Thalleous gestures to the room.' This is where we set up base. It probably needs some work...'

Onyx walks up to us. ' Okay, who's a good fighter here? I'm itching for a new training partner!'

' Now, that can wait, Onyx. They...' Thalleous begins.

' Sure, I guess I should see what this teams made of anyway.'

We all turn towards Senn.

' Well then, kid. The training grounds are this way.'

Thalleous looks worriedly at Senn. I don't get why he's worried, he was just talking about how good of a fighter he was.

We walk outside through another entrance. There was a clearing in the forest, the place where we would be training in.

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