The Walls Of Time

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Senn's p.o.v

We stand before the Walls of Time.

' I have always wondered if my actions were to be written upon the Walls of Time, but never had I imagined an entire Wall would be dedicated to my legacy,' Ingressus says.

' There's not a single mention of the travesties which plague our history,' Deltheus tells him, annoyed.

' We should have the Glacians tear down these walls and re-write them,' Lucidius suggests.

' No need,' Ingressus waves the idea off. ' There are still more Walls to be written- some very soon I imagine.

We stop at the end of the room.

' I believe it is time to go forward with our plan,' Ingressus tells us.

' I agree. Too long have we lived in the freezing north- I can't bear it much longer,' Deltheus adds.

' Well, I didn't really stay here that long...' I tell him.

Deltheus rolls his eyes. ' Well, it's been very cold out here!'

' I can tell.'

' Are you sure the timing is right?' Almrak asks Ingressus.

' I have received word from my informant that everything is falling into place, and we must be ready to act swiftly. What we are about to do is extremely dangerous, but may be necessary to ensure the future of our clan. I would not ask any of you to join me without your consent.'

' We are with you, Ingressus,' Deltheus steps forward.

' If it means a better future for the Voltaris, I'm in,' Lucidius says.

Almrak and I keep quiet. We pretty much know what Ingressus is going to say next.

' Lucidius, you may come with me. But Deltheus, you are staying here.'

Knew it. Both me and Almrak look at each other and smile.

' But...'

' I'm not risking any more lives. Besides, some of you might need to watch over Hailstone while I'm gone.'

' Why does he get to go?' Deltheus shoots a look at Lucidius, who grins.

Ingressus doesn't answer, and walks out of the room with Lucidius.

Deltheus groans as Almrak puts his hand on his shoulder.

' I thought you'd also be used to it by now.'

' They're both the same, always not allowing us to have any of the fun.'

' That's what means they actually care for us,' I walk past them.

' Yeah, right...' Deltheus rolls his eyes.

I stand at the entrance and overlook the view. Deltheus and Almrak walk past me and follow behind Ingressus and Lucidius.

Just as I'm about to follow them, I feel someone grab my hand. ' Senn!'

I turn around. ' Ky' Galleous? What are you doing here?'

I look back at the rest. They shouldn't notice us. I turn back to Galleous and pull him in the other direction. ' Come on!'


We hike along the path down the mountain.

' What are you doing with the Voltaris, Senn?'

' I have my reasons. You wouldn't believe me anyway.'

' Senn, he may be your father, but...'

' Save your breath, Galleous. I know what I'm doing.'

' I don't know what they did to you, but...'

' Okay, fine! The Deathsinger is going to use the Prime Songs against Pythus. I only want the Second Great War to end as quickly as possible.'

' They're probably lying to you about that, Senn... If they wanted to kill Pythus, why would they ally with the Nether in the first place?'

' Told you you wouldn't believe me.'

' Senn...'

' If there's nothing else you want to say, I'm going back to Hailstone. Deltheus was right about it freezing out here.'

I turn around and head to the city.

I hear Galleous sigh behind me, but I don't look back.

Ingressus' plan better work. I'm done seeing everyone I know die.




And many more, the list could go longer and longer if we don't end this war right now.

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