The Last Prime

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Ria's p.o.v

Luna lands at Ataraxia, and all of us dismount.

Thalleous walks away. He never said anything since we escaped.

Galleous walks out of the blacksmith.
' Where's the Tidesinger? And Senn?'

We don't answer him. We didn't know break the news about the Tidesinger to him, and he was very close to Senn, we all know it, but did he know?

Thalleous walks past him. Abbigail also walks away. I'm the only one left there with him.

' Ria, where is the Tidesinger and Senn?'

' The Tidesinger is dead, and we last saw Senn clouded by the mist from the Wither.'

Galleous looks down.

I decide to ask him. ' Did you know?'

' Know what?'

' You were very close to Senn. Did you know he was the Deathsinger's son?'

' I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean he's...'

' Even you didn't know?'

He thinks for a moment. ' Is that why he asked me that question?'

' What question?'

' He asked me a couple times what I would do if the Deathsinger had a son... He meant...'

Galleous trails off. He then turns around and walks away.

Thunderdome lands beside Luna. Grek looks sick, and Denny is holding a body.

Grek slides off Thunderdome, and Denny gets off with the body.

' Where's Hubris?' I ask him.

He doesn't answer me and carries the body into the blacksmith. I realise whose body that was.

' What about the Protisium Prime Song?' I turn to Grek instead for the next question.

' I don't know... I was too dizzy...' he muffles.

Denny looks back at me and shakes his head. I immediately understand.

I try to calm down and list everything that has happened in my head.

The Tidesinger is dead.

Hubris is dead.

We don't know what happened to Senn, but found out he's the Deathsinger's son.

The Deathsinger has the third Prime Song.

We have the last Prime Song : the Agressium Prime Song.


Thalleous pulls out the Agressium Prime Song. ' This is the last Prime Song the Deathsinger hasn't obtained. We need to make sure he doesn't get it.'

He looks at Galleous, and takes a deep breath before saying,

' I will wield the Agressium Prime Song against the Deathsinger.'

Galleous immediately walks up beside him. ' No, brother. You can't!'

' It's the only way to win this war...'

' There has to be another way! I'm not letting you...'

' Thalleous is right, Galleous, it's our only chance.'

Everyone turns towards me.

Galleous storms out of the room.

I sigh. I was only telling the truth. Wielding the Agressium Prime Song is the only way we could possibly defeat the Deathsinger, and Thalleous is the only Ardoni we have now that is strong enough to stand a chance.

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