The Journey Ahead

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Abbigail opens her eyes and sits upright.

' Abbi, you're alright!' Denny rushes forward with a worried look on his face.

' I was about to send for a doctor, you've been out all day!' Mr Finch tells her.

Abbigail looks around and sees that she's on the front porch of Mr Finch's house.

She starts getting up. But she topples over and Denny grabs her hand.
' Easy there, Abbi. You're in no condition to be moving about yet.'

Abbigail looks at his arm and sees the cut. ' What happened to your arm?'

' The one with the scythe got me.'

Abbigail grabs her brother's arm and inspects the cut.

Denny pulls his hand back. ' It's nothing, Abbi. You on the other hand, were unconscious for the whole day! You had me worried sick.'

Abbigail looks down, but suddenly remembers. ' The dragon stone?'

Mr Finch sighs. ' Those two thieves made off with it. Don't let it trouble you, this is what happens when we meddle with affairs that don't concern us. We're farmers after all.'

Abbigail frowns angrily. ' No!'

Mr Finch is surprised by her rebellious response. ' What did you just say?!

Denny tries to calm Mr Finch down.
' I'm sure she didn't mean that...'

' I'm not a farmer. I'm going after the stone,' Abbigail protests, ' If we try to warn Etherea it will be too late, but Sam and I can track them while their trail is fresh.'

She picks up her stone sword.

Mr Finch tries to stop her. ' Abbigail, I forbid you to do this!'

Abbigail doesn't look back. ' I know you do, and I'm sorry. Come on, Sam!'

She sprints into the woods and Sam follows happily behind her.

Mr Finch chases after her. ' Abbigail!' But he couldn't catch up to her.

Denny watches her leave, but doesn't chase after her.

' Be careful, sis.' he whispers quietly to himself.

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