The Truth Behind The Legend

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/A/N/ I changed the whole back part of this chapter, make sure to read this!

The Deathsinger fires his Agressium Song, Aggroblast at the Tidesinger twice, and the Tidesinger dodges them both. He jumps forward towards the Deathsinger, swinging his staff around. The Deathsinger blocks the first swing with his sword, and flips backwards to dodge the second swing. The Tidesinger continues swinging his staff around, and the Deathsinger leaps to dodge the third attack and uses his sword to knock back the staff towards the Tidesinger for the fourth attack. The Tidesinger stumbles backwards a bit, but quickly regains himself and swings his staff yet another time. The Deathsinger flips backwards again as he summons a Protisium Song, Protoclone, and the Tidesinger mistakes the Deathsinger for an illusion. The illusion shatters into a million pieces as the Tidesinger's staff hits it. The Deathsinger regains his feet and swings his sword at the Tidesinger's feet, but the Tidesinger swiftly blocks it with his staff. The Tidesinger pushes the sword away, and twirls around while swinging his staff, landing a hit on the Deathsinger, who stumbles backwards.

The Deathsinger tries to catch his breath, exhausted from the battle.

' They call me Deathsinger, yet it was they who slaughtered my people and denied me the Prime Songs, which were rightfully mine! Why, Achillean, do they call you Tidesinger?'

' Because I have united the people of Ardonia against this nightmare you have created!'

They charge at each other again. The Tidesinger swings his staff at the Deathsinger, who quickly draws out his staff, Voltar, and blocks it. The Tidesinger swings his staff again, but the Deathsinger creates a small but strong shield to block his arm. The Tidesinger twirls his staff around, and the Deathsinger struggles to block the blades at both ends of the Tidesinger's staff fast enough, and is knocked backwards. The Deathsinger swings his sword at him, but he uses his Mobilium Song, Mobilibounce, and bounces away. He creates multiple platforms, and jumps from one to the other, landing multiple hits on the Deathsinger. The Deathsinger uses Ria’s Mobilum Song, Mobilileap, and jumps high up in the air. He grabs the Tidesinger and throws him to the ground. The Deathsinger prepares to attack him from above, but the Tidesinger rolls away just as the Deathsinger's sword sinks into the ground right where he laid. He gets up and charges at the Deathsinger, who blocks his attacks. The Tidesinger kicks him backwards, but the Deathsinger recovers almost immediately and swings his sword over the Tidesinger. The Tidesinger rolls away, dodging the attack, and gets back up quickly as he fires his Agressium Song, Aggrobeam, and a laser heads towards the Deathsinger. The Deathsinger raises his sword to block the laser, and struggles to keep it blocked. The Tidesinger finally runs out of energy to power his Song, and the laser stops.

' You certainly improved your ability to wield the Songs,' the Deathsinger tells the Tidesinger, ' I wonder what you would have done if you were given the Prime Songs.'

' The Prime Songs have always been your desire, not mine! I would have refused them, as no one should wield their combined power. '

The Deathsinger chuckles. ' That's what they all say, until you've felt them for yourself! '

They charge at each other once again.
The Tidesinger swings his staff over the Deathsinger, who ducks to dodge it as he jumps over the Deathsinger's sword which swings below him.
The Deathsinger turns around, draws out his staff and clashes it with the Tidesinger's staff. He pushes the Tidesinger backwards, but the Tidesinger quickly regains his balance and charges at the Deathsinger again.
He swings his staff at the Deathsinger's feet, but the Deathsinger jumps and tries to attack the Tidesinger, who blocks it with his staff. The Tidesinger pushes the Deathsinger back and swings his staff at him. The Deathsinger blocks it with his sword just in time. The Tidesinger leaps above the Deathsinger, who blocks his attack with his sword and pulls the Tidesinger down. The Tidesinger swings his staff again, and the Deathsinger backs up to dodge it. The Tidesinger leaps again, and the Deathsinger grabs him and pushes him on the ground. The Tidesinger gets up, exhausted. ' What are you doing here, Ingressus? What sort of magic are you attempting to unleash? You have already lost!'

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