Battle Of The Tree Fort

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Lucan, Xaria and a few other Necromancers are sneaking through the woods. They arrive at a clearing.

' Time to put an end to this nuisance. Burn it,' Xaria turns to Lucan and points to a tree.

Lucan looks around the group before releasing Xaria was talking to him. He pulls out a flint and steel. He walks over to the tree, looks up and realises it's Niika's tree fort.

He turns around, wondering what to do as the Necromancers stand guard. He strikes the tree, then feigns a miss.

Lucan puts on a fake generic voice.
' Oh, would you look at that? My flint and steel appears to be broken.'

Xaria tosses Lucan another flint and steel. ' Here, take mine.'

Lucan grumbles as his attempt had failed.

Xaria starts to get suspicious.

Lucan stands still.

Xaria snatches the flint and steel out of Lucan's hand. ' What is your problem, rookie?! Or should I say, traitor?!'

Xaria pulls out Lucan's mask, revealing his identity. ' I knew it!'

Lucan and the Necromancers draw out their swords.

' I knew there was something wrong about you the moment I found you. I should have let the undead kill you then,' Xaria stops, ' But… perhaps this death will be more ceremonious. You will watch helplessly as everything you fought for is destroyed and burnt. After we finish, we will find the Felina, and we will kill her.'

Lucan attacks, but is quickly thrown down by Xaria. Xaria lights up the tree, and Lucan looks up at the tree that has started to burn.

' Perhaps we'll feed her to the spiders,' Xaria strokes his sword as he walks up to Lucan. ' They have quite the appetite.'

Suddenly, they hear an arrow. Xaria turns around to see one of his companions collapse forward, dead. They spot an arrow on his head.

Niika drops down from the tree and kills three undead. Lucan kicks Xaria's feet as he is distracted and gets up.

Niika jumps on Xaria, and tries to land a hit Xaria, but he always manages to block her with his sword.

Lucan grabs his sword and kills another undead. He steps back and bumps into Niika.

Niika raises her blades, ready to attack Lucan.

' Wait, Niika. It's me!' Lucan pulls off his hood.

Niika stops. ' Lucan?'

Xaria escapes into the forest.

Lucan and Niika look up at the burning tree.

' All of my information is up there!' Niika starts climbing up the tree.

' There's no time, we have to get across the river!' Lucan pulls her towards the side of the river.

' Lucan, wait! I can't…'

Lucan groans. ' You're not afraid of heights, but you're afraid of jumping into water?'

' I can't swim! Felinas hate water, Lucan, we hate…'

Lucan pushes Niika into the water anyway and jumps in after her.

While in the water, Niika climbs on top of Lucan, who struggles to stay afloat.

' Ow, watch the claws!' Lucan tells Niika.

They reach the shore. Niika hurries onto land and shakes the water off. ' Don't you ever throw me into water again!'

' Yeah, yeah!' Lucan sits down beside her.

They look across the river and see the burning jungle on the other side.

' Sorry about your tree fort,' Lucan says.

Niika sighs. ' I'm not worried about the tree fort. We lost all that information though. All my records, maps, notes, everything I've learned about the Necromancers.

' We didn't lose all of it, that information is still with you, and me…' Lucan tells Niika.

Niika looks at him.

' I found the Necromancer base, Niika.'

' You were there? Where is it?' Niika stands up, excited.

Lucan nods. ' Directly under Mount Tempest.'

' Of course! No miner would ever go near there because of all the lava. It's the perfect place for a hiding spot!'

Lucan stands up as well. ' I need to report this to Felden. I guess um… this is where we part ways.'

They are quiet for a while.

' I should accompany you to Felora. They might want some of my information as well,' Niika makes up an excuse to accompany him. ' Not to mention you might need my help again.'

Lucan smiles, relieved that Niika is following him.

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