The Stress Of A Queen

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Ria's p.o.v

I slowly open my eyes. I sit upright as Galleous walks in.

' What happened, Galleous?'

' You were knocked out. The Deathsinger has all four Prime Songs, and we lost Denny... And my brother as well... One of the dragons is injured, and Abbigail has left. She needs some time alone.'

I sigh. So much had happened in the past few days, we were losing the war...

' Now what?' I ask him.

' I'm going to Hailstone.'

I look up at him. ' Hailstone?'

' That's where the Voltaris are residing. Senn would probably be there as well.'

' I don't think you realise this... But Senn isn't on our side anymore...'

' You said you last saw him clouded by the mist from the Wither. He's probably under their control. Senn would never betray us like that.'

' No, he didn't have any Wither effects surrounding him, and his eyes looked perfectly fine.'

Galleous stops.

' I refuse to believe that.'

' People change, Galleous... Senn may have changed as well...'

He doesn't listen. ' I'm still going to Hailstone.'

' Galleous, don't. I don't want to see anyone else die.'

He turns towards me. ' We're in a war right now, Ria. People are going to die, unless we try and do something about it.'

He walks out of the blacksmith.

I sigh as I lie back on the bed.


Abbigail's p.o.v

At the Heart of Ardonia...

I bury my face in my knees as tears flow out. Denny is gone... Saxon and Trevor are captured...

I take the crown from my head. It hadn't been glowing since Denny died. Does that mean... I'm not worthy anymore?

I take a deep breath, and put it down beside me.

I may not be the queen of the End anymore, but I will stop at nothing to save my friends.

I walk over to Luna. ' Saxon and Trevor are out there somewhere. Vulcannus said they were in...'

I stop as I remember Vulcannus. I pull out the Nether Star. Now would be a good time for his help.

I raise my arm, preparing to throw it on the ground when Luna roars.

I look over to her, confused, but soon remember his warning.

Keep your distance when throwing it.

I get on Luna, and we fly around the Heart of Ardonia. I throw the Nether Star down.

Third person view

The Nether Star hits the ground, and  the beacons in the capital cities flicker.

Wither Skeletons feel it. Pythus also turns around sensing it.

Abbigail picks the crown back up and fly towards a direction.

The Nether is mobilizing and on guard now that the Nether star broke.

At Bhengorn, Vulcannus sits on the edge of town. Kiki chirps and gets his attention. He stands up and walks forward.

Luna flies down towards him, sun shining down brightly behind her. They continue to look at each other for a moment, then Vulcannus smiles.

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