Against The Nether

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Third person view

In the Nether, Pythus is walking down the aisle in front of his throne speaking to the Angel of Death.

' If portals are being destroyed within the Nether, then he has not only betrayed us, but declared war as well. I want him found- now!'

' Are you looking for me, brother?'

Pythus turns to see Vulcannus standing passively at the end of the throne room.

' Vulcannus! Your insolence truly has no bounds, that you would show yourself in my throne room after all you have wrought!'

Vulcannus walks closer to Pythus.
' This throne does not belong to you, Pythus.'

' Nor does it belong to you, traitor! You… who brought the Enderqueen right here into this city and gave her records from our sacred library. You do our people a great disgrace.'

' I do no such disgrace. The only one who has wronged our people is yourself, brother, when you put a sword through our father’s chest and stole his throne.'

' The throne is mine!' Pythus spins his axe around and slams it into the netherbrick floor of the throne room with a loud clang. The clang reverberates for a moment in the silence that follows.

Footsteps can be heard approaching, and everyone seems a bit confused apart from Vulcannus who remains standing confidently.

The Deathsinger walks in slowly and casually, followed by Lucidius.

The Angel of Death flies up and lands  in front of the Deathsinger.

' Ingressus?' Pythus is confused. ' I don’t recall summoning you.

' No… you did not. But you see, there has been a complication.' The Deathsinger walks past the Angel of Death and slightly past Vulcannus.

' What complication? I have everything under control.'

' Far from it. You have become a liability Pythus, and I can no longer rely on you for my plans. Your reign must now come to an end. We have already made sure of it.'

Nether troops draw their weapons slowly and prepare for a potential fight.

Pythus chuckles. ' You are many things Ingressus, but I never thought you a fool. You cannot possibly hope to kill me here.'

' Fear not, Pythus, as I have no come to kill you. Rather, you are being replaced.'

Pythus looks back to Vulcannus.

' You!' Pythus looks angrily at Vulcannus. ' You’ve been conspiring with the Voltaris as well?! You will never be king of the Nether!'

' That’s where you’re mistaken, brother.' Vulcannus dons the Nethercrown which activates for him, and draws the Netherblade, which glows brightly in his hand.

' I am Vulcannus, son of Chronos, and the rightful king of the Nether. Stand with me against this usurper- join me and I will restore our kingdom to what it once was.'

Many of the Nether forces look confused and look around to see what other Nether forces are doing. The Deathsinger continues to watch Pythus, waiting to see his reaction.

Pythus waits a moment, then starts laughing to himself.

' Oh you fools! Do you think anyone still cares who the “rightful” king is? Chronos was the rightful king and he led our people to ruin.'

' By right of our ancient law I challenge you Pythus, son of Chronos, for the right to the throne.' Vulcannus walks even closer to Pythus.

' You just don’t understand, do you brother? I now sit on two thrones, and after we’re finished here, I will destroy the End and claim that throne as well. Do you not see? I will be the king of all three realms! And I did all of this without a crown. The Voltaris won’t save you- they can’t even save themselves. They have grown weak… and desperate. I have become far more powerful than they ever were.'

Pythus walks a bit towards them.
' And yet, despite all my achievements, some still believe you are the most powerful being, Ingressus.' Pythus stares down the Deathsinger.

' You don’t think I’ve just sat idle as you plotted against me, do you? Do you really think I’d leave Hailstone so vulnerable? I expected it would come to this. Your Voltaris brothers will find that they are walking into a trap. The beacon will remain under my control, and your clan will be helpless as my forces flood the city killing every last one of them. Perhaps the legends have exaggerated your power, Ingessus.'

The Deathsinger realizes that Pythus had set up this trap. Pythus turns towards the Angel of Death. ' Fly to Hailstone and kill the Voltaris.'

Pythus turns back forward.' The rest of you… eliminate them.'

The Angel of Death leaps up and flies away as the Deathsinger uses his Mobilium Prime Song to go after him.

Vulcannus rushes forward with his Enderblade and the Nether forces start fighting each other as some side with Vulcannus and others remain loyal to Pythus.

Vulcannus and Pythus clash in the center of the throne room.

Angel of Death and Deathsinger fight along the lower area outside the throne room. The Deathsinger is trying to prevent him from getting to the portal, using the Prime Songs and sword.

The Deathsinger knocks the Angel of Death away, then jumps out after him to hit him out of the air. He barely misses and lands further below. He looks up to see the Angel of Death flying towards the Nether portal, and knows that he lost.

He turns and looks around him as Lucidius is killed, and Pythus slowly approaches Vulcannus. 

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