The End ( Part Two )

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Abbigail's p.o.v

After following the path for a while, we approach a giant castle.

' Here it is: the legendary domain of the Enderknights,' Allister smiles.

' What do you think is inside?' Trevor asks.

' Whatever it is, it belongs to us now. Come on, let’s find out,' Saxon gestures for us to follow him inside.

We walk in and look around in awe.

' Guys, I think I found something,' Denny calls out.

We turn to see an armory.

' Oooh, no waaaay!' Saxon says excitedly.

' Obsidian armour, too heavy for ordinary men to wear, but…' Allister puts one of the helmets on. ' The armour activates for Enderknights, and for Enderknights only.' The helmet lights up.

Trevor looks around. ' There's certainly enough for everyone here.'

' Not everyone,' Allister points out.
' There aren't any that would fit women. Interesting… '

Allister takes a full set of armour and walks off.

I'm a bit offended, but he was right though, there isn’t any female armor. Maybe I was a mistake?

Denny walks up to me. ' They probably don't have any female armor because their wasn't a female Enderknight before. I'm pretty sure there's a way to make one.'

I looks up and smile. My brother always knows how to cheer me up.


We go to the main hallway. Everyone is all geared up, only I am still armorless.

The main hallway has a path, with openings along the path that lead down to the void. A throne is in the far end middle of the room.

Allister walks up to the throne and sees a crown.

' Here it is… The crown of the End.'

Allister picks up the crown.

' Allister, give the crown to me,' I tell him.

Allister turns around. ' Why should the crown be yours? Why should there be a queen, when we can have a king?'

Allister places the crown on his helmet.

We draw out our swords.

Allister walks towards Abbigail. ' I will rule Ardonia as the ancient Enderkings once did. Crown Peak will again be our throne, and the kingdoms will submit to my leadership or be destroyed.'

Denny stands in front of me defensively. ' You’ll have to go through us first, Allister. It was Abbigail who brought us together, and it’s her we follow. A crown isn’t enough to make you king.'

I walk past Denny. ' Allister, we won’t let you do this. A war is coming, and we need to fight alongside Ardonia, not against it.'

Allister walks up face to face with me. ' You're so naive. The people of Ardonia will never fight together… unless we make them… and kill those who refuse.'

As soon as he finishes, he stabs me and pushes me off the edge into the void.

' Abbi!' my brother's voice is the last thing I hear before everything blacks out.

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