The Vault

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/A/N/ Just pretend Arbiter617's hand isn't there, I couldn't find any other pictures of the Vault.

Ria's p.o.v

We all hide in a small hill overlooking the Vault. Me, Thalleous Hubris and Senn's lights glow in the dark.

' The four of you, turn your lights off!'
Grek tells them.

' We can't...' Hubris groans.

' How are you supposed to sneak around with lights all over your body?' Grek grumbles.

' Hey, that Magnorite behind you is glowing too!' Senn gestures to Onyx, a bit annoyed.

' At least he's not glowing as brightly as you four.'

Senn rolls his eyes. ' So, how much time do we have?'

' They're already here.' Masani, who was scouting earlier tells us.

' I'm going to the Vault.' Senn gets up.

' Wait, they're not at the Vault yet, we have to stop them before they get there!' Masani calls out to him.

Senn ignores her and heads off.

' Wait, Senn. I'm coming with you! The rest of you, stop the Voltaris from getting near the Vault,' Thalleous points towards us before running after Senn.


A group of Voltaris are attacking the guard posts around the rim. Me and the others kill them off.

Suddenly, I hear Hubris say, ' This group was just a distraction...'

Senn's p.o.v

I reach the Vault. No sign of anyone here.

Suddenly, I hear an explosion. I draw my sword as Ingressus walks out of the Vault. He raises his hand, revealing the Supporium Prime Song.

He admires it for a moment, then looks down at me.

' Senn... I should have known you survived...'

I point at him with my sword. ' You're going to pay for the people you have slaughtered!'

I charge towards him. Just then, another Voltaris steps in front of him, blocking my sword.

The Voltaris pushes me back and I stagger a few steps back.

' Oh, if it isn't the son of the Tidesinger...' the Voltaris smirks. ' I heard you were unable to save your Father. How pitiful...'

I charge at him in anger. I slice my sword at him, but he slips to the side and kicks me back. I quickly cling onto the railing as I hang over the endless fall below.

The Voltaris raises his sword, and begins charging up a Song.

Ingressus walks over to him and pulls his hand down. ' That's enough, Tygren.'

' But...'

' No buts,' Ingressus glares at Tygren. Tygren groans in frustration as he steps aside.

Ingressus turns to me. ' You know I can kill you, Senn. I can kill you in this very moment. I could've killed you when I found you after I killed your mother. Stay out of my way, and I will show you mercy.'

Suddenly, I hear a Song behind him. Ingressus turns around as Thalleous jumps on him, sword drawn. Ingressus stabs my hand before blocking his attack. I groan in pain and let go of the railing, falling into the water below.

Thalleous' p.o.v

I watch as Senn splashes into the water below. I lean over the railing and look down for any signs of him. Hopefully the water is deep enough for him to survive.

I turn as Tygren's sword slices right past my face. He swings his sword at me again, but I block it with my sword. Tygren kicks my feet, and I fall over as I raise my sword, blocking the Deathsinger's sword.

' Thalleous Sendaris...'

He pushes my sword closer to my face as I struggle to hold his sword off.

' Champions, they call you. Sent to kill off every single Voltaris alive. I watched as you killed my father, and I will enjoy every second of this moment, killing you.'

I recall years ago, before the Great War. When I killed the master of the Voltaris, he didn't have his staff on him. Then there was this child, he had the staff on his back, and was picking up the Voltaris master's sword. Could it have been...?

' I should've killed you back then.' I look at him in the eyes menacingly. He returns it.

' Yes, you should've killed me.'

He pulls out the staff of the Voltaris with his other hand, and a Song begins charging.

I quickly teleport away from the bridge. As I was focusing on my Song, I had loosened my grip on my sword, and the Deathsinger left a cut on my face. I put my hands on the cut and groan in pain.

I glance towards the Vault. The Deathsinger looks at me menacingly. If only I'd known, that innocent looking child, was going to be... This...

I turned around and ran away as quickly as I could.

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