The Nether

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Lucan's p.o.v

We stop to catch our breath.

' How’re you holding up?' Lucan ask.

' I just need a moment…'

' I'm sorry about your dad.'

' I just... Can't believe he's gone...'

' Kiyoshi was... Hard to get along with... But I will miss him.'

' And why are we in Felora? Where did the Nether come from?'

' You don't remember anything?'

' No… last I recall we were at Fort Zuka.'

' From what I can tell, the Necromancers used some sort of Wither effect on you. You’ve been under their control for weeks. Now come on, we have to get to safety.'

' That was the Nether attacking. Where will it be safe?'

I look at her. ' How long have you been fighting the Necromancers again?'

' Around two years… ' she replies, confused by the question.

' And did you ever feel “safe?”' She shakes her head.

' The Necromancers were just the beginning, now the real fight begins.'

' We can’t hope to beat the Nether with an army at their disposal,' Niika tells me.

' The Nether is gonna spread across all of Ardonia. They won’t be able to defend all of the kingdoms at once. This is our home, we know this land better than they ever will.'

' You want to start a rebellion… against the Nether?'

I stop. It was pretty much impossible to defeat the Nether. What was I thinking?

' Yeah… yeah I guess it sounds pretty ridiculous…'

' No… I like it. I just didn’t think you would suggest that.'

We look at each other for a moment.

' Where do we start?' I ask.

' We can set up camp outside of Felora. I can scout until we figure out the situation.'

I smile. ' About time I stop doing all the work.' I nudge her jokingly.

She smiles, but then looks worried and pounces on me. ' Get down!'

We look up as a few Withers fly by overhead.

' It’s begun.'

We watch the Withers flying by overhead.


Third person view

At Felora, the Nether army is killing everyone on the beacon platform. Pythus places a new nether star into the beacon, and it lights back up. They start beaming using the beacon.

At Oakendale, Everyone is walking around peacefully. Suddenly the Nether begins beaming onto the platform and spreading out through the city, killing all the guards and taking control.

Nether portals are activating around the world, and the Nether come through along with some Voltaris.

At the other capitals, the Nether takes over city after city using the beacon network. K’arthen had their beacon disabled due to leaving the unity of kingdoms, so they are safe.


The Deathsinger and Pythus approach each other in the middle of Crown Peak.

The Deathsinger is standing closer to the throne, which is where Pythus was heading.

' Move aside Ingressus, the throne is mine.'

' I have delivered on my promise, I only ask that you honor yours,' the Deathsinger says as he steps aside.

' You’re right, both the Nether and Overworld are mine to control… as planned. However… disappointing news has reached my ears that Enderknights have returned, even after you assured me they had “vanished.” I need the Ender realm as well now… then perhaps I can help you with your Prime Songs.'

Pythus walks on past. The Deathsinger is angry that Pythus didn’t seem to be willing to help him further, even though Pythus now rules all of Ardonia like planned. He turns and walks away.

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