Different From The Rest

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Thalleous and Ria are heading towards Ataraxia. Ria is still sad at the tradegy.

They pass by Hogtown. They want to continue riding, but Ria notices some commotion in the small town.

' What's going on there?'

Thalleous turns to where Ria is looking and sees the crowd. ' Probably a celebration or something...'

' Can we check it out?' Ria asks curiously.

' We have to head to Ataraxia as fast as possible...'

' Please? I... may need something to take my mind off... "things" anyway...'

Thalleous sighs and stops Timber.
' Fine, but just a short while.

They leave Timber in the stables and walk towards the crowd.

' What's going on here?' Thalleous asks.

' One of them Magnorites is on the edge of our town. Been stirring up trouble with the local folk. Absolute menace I tell you, the lot of  'em,' a woman tells him.

Thalleous prepares to leave, but Ria continues the conversation. ' Have you tried asking it to leave?'

' Like anyone is dumb enough to go near that thing? I don't think you belong here either. Why don't you get that Magnorite to leave with you?'

The civilians turn to Ria.

Thalleous hurries beside her. ' Umm... Sorry, she's... '

' Fine!' Ria says before Thalleous can finish.

Thalleous is extremely shocked.
' What do you think you're doing?' he half whispers, half shouts to Ria.

' I'll be fine, just trust me.'

Ria walks towards the tree. She takes a peek and sees a Magnorite reading a book while leaning on a tree.

The Magnorite senses her presence and looks up. He smiles. ' Oh, hello there! I hope you don't mind if I read here.'

' Umm... Hi... The civilians here... kind of want you to leave...'

The Magnorite sighs. ' Ah, pity. It's difficult to find a place to catch up on my reading. Been forced to travel my whole life.'

Ria immediately felt pity for the Magnorite. ' Why don't you come with me and my friend? It sure won't be as boring to travel with companions,' she blurt out.

Thalleous heard this, and jolt up in shock. He gave her a what are you doing?! look, but Ria doesn't notice.

' Sure, it'd be nice to have some company on the road.'

Suddenly, a bottle flies into the Magnorite's face.

' Hey!' Ria turns to the crowd angrily. She grabs the hilt of the blade she got from Sendaria, and the crowd stepped back in fear.

' Hey, it's okay! I don't mind it,' the Magnorite quickly says as he motions for Ria to let go of the blade.

' How do you don't mind it?' Ria lets go of the hilt and turns back to the Magnorite.

' I'm used to it. By the way, we haven't been introduced! My name's Igneous.'

' I'm Ria.'

' Okay, let's go then! Oh, right, where are you headed?'

' Ataraxia.'

' Ooh, I've never been to Ataraxia before. I heard it's one of the few Ardoni cities in Ardonia.'

' I guess... ' Ria puts her hand behind her head, as she doesn't even know anything about Ataraxia.

Igneous packs up his books and follows Ria. Thalleous looks uncomfortablely at Igneous.

' Don't worry, Thalleous. He's a nice guy!' Ria assures him.

Thalleous is still not convinced, and eyes his books. ' I didn't know Magnorites could read.'

' Most don't, but I'm kind of different from the rest, since I wasn't raised alongside any Magnorites. I'm not as aggressive as the others.'

Thalleous raises an eyebrow and mounts Timber.

Ria starts to worry as there isn't enough room for Igneous on the horse.

' Oh, you have a horse! But, I can't ride horses cause I'm too heavy.'

Ria lets out a sigh of relief and mounts Timber as well. They continue their journey to Ataraxia, now with Igneous walking beside them.

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