The Unyielding Legion

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/A/N/ Skip this one if you want. All I did was add the fight scenes, the rest is the same as the script.

Third person view

A few bandits are sneaking through Havenshire. One of them is carrying a large chest carefully.

Further down the path, a lone figure is following them.

The bandits arrive at a small dock on the river. The first one squats down and begins untying the boat. The other one turns around to guard, torch drawn.

The light reveals their uniforms, which are similar to Jalkar's.

' I hate these night missions, can't see a thing,' the second one complains.

Suddenly, a dark figure swoops past and throws the first one into the water.

The second one turns around and draws his sword. ' Jenson?'

The figure swoops down again, and the second one turns around. He tries to attack, but the figure kicks him into the water.

The rest of the group are approaching the dock with the chest.


Suddenly, an arrow whistles by and lands on one of their heads. He falls over, dead.

The others turns around and see Abbigail behind them, bow drawn.

Abbigail's p.o.v

I fire another arrow, and one of the bandits blocks it with his shield. So, I switch to my sword and dart towards  them.

The chest carrier puts the chest down and draws out his sword. He blocks my attack, but push him back and quickly stab my sword through his body.

The next bandit jumps on me, and I  backs off. The sword plants into the ground. As he struggles to pull his sword out, I swing my sword at him. He ducks, and my sword ends up slashing the chest, cutting a gash in it. Some mysterious purple light glows out of the chest.

I attack again, and the bandit blocks it with his shield. He swings his sword at me, and I jump as it swings below my feet.

I turn and run towards a tree, and the bandit follows. I place my foot on the tree, and do a backflip while swinging my sword at the bandit. He ducks just in time.

He places his foot on the tree, and pushes himself towards me. I slip to the side as his sword slices right beside me.

I roll up towards the bandit and slide on the ground while swinging my sword at his feet. He jumps just in time to dodge it, and I groan, frustrated.

I get back up and jump on him, but he uses his shield and bumps it on my face, sending me flying backwards.

' I'm beginning to grow tired of all the trouble you've been causing us, girl!'

I quickly get back up. ' I'm just getting started.'

He raises his sword. ' You're out of your league.'

' I've been told that before.'

' Should've listened.'

' That's not my strongest suit.'

' I can see that. '

A few other bandits show up, surrounding me. I draw out my bow.

' The Unyielding Legion works together, yet you work alone. '

Suddenly, we hear a roar. Oh, no... Don't come out, don't come out, don't come out...

She came out, just great!

The bandits look up and Luna lands beside me.

I hear an arrow, and Luna deflects it with her wings.

/A/N/ Luna is the Enderdragon that hatched six months ago.

I fire an arrow at the bandit who almost killed me just now, and it hits his chest, killing him.

All of the bandits charge towards me. I draw out my sword and begin fighting them off.

/A/N/ In the background, Luna uses her tail to bash people away. She singles one off, raises her head high, and attempts to let out a burst of flames, but only a few sparks come out.

The bandit is confused for a moment and they stare awkwardly at each other.

The bandit I was fighting backs up as another bandit picks up the chest and runs for the dock, leaving behind a faint trail of glowing particles dropping out of the chest.

I turn to the side as Luna accidentally knocks off the torch from the bandit, and a small barn starts catching on fire. She attempts to use her wings to fan out the flames, but it only gets worse.

The bandit reaches the boat. As she tries to sail away, I quickly fire an arrow at her feet. She stops and looks up. ' Now I understand why you're so interested in this chest.'

' I don't care what's in the box, I only want information,' I demand.
' Anything that can be used to destroy the Unyielding Legion!'

She laughs. ' I'm not in the mood to talk. '

' Tell me what I want or I'll have my dragon bite your head off! '

We turn towards Luna, who is running off with a bucket of water to put out the fire on the barn.

' Well… When she comes back, she's going to bite your head off! '

Luna turns towards us and shakes her head. I groan in frustration. Why does she have to be like this...

' I'll be the one gathering information. Now we know you have a dragon,' the bandit snickers and throws the chest at me.

As I am caught off guard, she escapes using the boat.

I turn back to the boat, but it is already a distance away.

I fires a couple arrows, but they hit the boat harmlessly.

Luna comes up beside me, and lights one of my arrows. I smile and fire the flaming arrow towards the boat.

She is surprised for a moment, but reacts quickly and puts the fire out of the arrow before it can spread.

I groan in frustration and glance towards Luna. She looks impressively at the bandit, but realises I'm looking at her and pretends to be frustrated as well.

I turn to the chest, open it and a glowing object floats out and begins hovering off. I chase after it and grab it.

I hold it in front of me and study it. It releases a slow beating sound.

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