The True Rulers

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/A/N/ I couldn't get a picture of the Nether crown on the Nether throne, so I just edited half the Ender crown from Abbigail's dream.

Third person view

Pythus is nearly upon Vulcannus.
' What a waste… for all of you to die so needlessly.'

He is very near, but suddenly stops, and looks up.

Everyone in the throne stops as well and look off towards the city. A deep rumble is heard. Even Vulcannus turns.

Suddenly Luna flies in and lands on the far side with a loud rumble. She raises her neck and then lets out a spray of flames across many of the Wither Skeletons.

Abbigail hops off and grabs Vulcannus.

' Sister?!'

' I told you not to call me that!'

Pythus looks at Abbigail. ' Sister? Hmph! That doesn't change a thing between us.'

Abbigail holds her sword up and suddenly a fair amount of Endermen teleport in around her.

Abbigail pulls Vulcannus towards Luna and helps him up onto her back as the rest of the Nether is distracted with the Endermen.

Pythus begins charging them, but Luna lets out another beam of fire at him which he shields himself from using the flat part of his battle axe.

Luna then crouches once, and leaps off. She flies straight towards the large portal and through it.

Pythus groans in frustration and turns around. ' Bring me the Enderknight prisoners, we leave for the End at once!' He storms off.


Luna lands in a small clearing and both Abbigail and Vulcannus dismount.

' What happened in there?!' Abbigail asks.

' My plan failed… and I fear I may have lost my most powerful ally.'

Abbigail mounts back onto Luna.

' We have to get to the End, Pythus will surely make a move against us now.'

Abbigail waits a moment, then she and Luna turn towards Vulcannus who continues standing, gazing off in the distance as the evening light shines through the trees.

' So many of them… standing before the truth… tenacious in their loyalty to a false king. I had expected so much more from my people… but I should have known better.' Vulcannus takes his crown off and holds it in his hands, looking at it.
' What value do crowns hold if we choose our own king?'

Abbigail watches for a moment, then slides off Luna and takes her helmet off.

' I failed the Ender Trials, Vulcannus.'

Vulcannus looks over his shoulder, and is surprised when Abbigail holds the deactivated Ender blade in her hands.

' Neither of us were the king or queen we expected to be… but that doesn’t mean we can’t still fight for what we believe in. We aren’t born as leaders, we have to earn that right.' Abbigail extends her hand towards Vulcannus. He smiles, and takes her hand.

' And remember, don't call me that again!'

' What? Oh... Sorry, Queen Abbigail...'

' For goodness sake, can you just call me Abbigail?!'

' Alright, Abbigail...' Vulcannus laughs a bit, a little cheered up.

They get onto Luna, and fly off into the distance.

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