Another Alliance

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/A/N/ Don't exactly have a picture for this chapter...

This is going to be a short chapter.

Achillean's p.o.v

The Enderdragon lands towards the outskirts of Crown Peak. We all dismount.

' For a moment I feared the Enderknights would be our enemies,' I tell the Enderking. ' I must thank you for rescuing us. May I know your name sir…?'

The Enderking takes her helmet off and holds it at her side, revealing she's a female.

' My name is Abbigail, Queen of the End.'

I fell slightly embarrassed for calling her sir.

' I am glad we have a common enemy, Queen Abbigail.'

We look down at Thalleous.

' Is he alright?' Abbigail asks.

' He got hit by a Song,' I tell her as I pull out my staff. I try to focus as I summon my Supporium Song, Supporoheal.

Abbigail looks at us in awe.

Soon enough, Thalleous opens his eyes. I stop and use my staff to support myself, feeling a bit weak after using my Song.

' Thalleous?' I see Senn rush towards us, Ria close behind him. He looks up at me. ' What happened in there?'

' We can discuss that later. Right now we need to get out of the Kingdoms. The Voltaris have allied with the Nether, an invasion is imminent.'

' We can rally back at Ataraxia. The city was built as a haven for the Ardoni… it should be safe enough,' Ria says.

' Perfect, I just sent one of my Enderknights there with Galleous. After I find my other knights we’ll meet you there.' Abbigail says before mounting Luna and flying off.

/A/N/ Phew! Season 2 is done!

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