The Conflict Between Cydonia And K'arthen

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/A/N/ I only found a picture of Cydonia, couldn't find one of K'arthen.

I literally changed nothing in this chapter, skip it if you want to.

Igneous' p.o.v

The boat has finally reached the Meridian docks. I hop off the boat and walk into town.

Everyone looks at me suspiciously, not surprising since I'm a Magnorite in Cydonia.

I look around town and finally find a doorway with a sign overhead indicating ' The Fletcher'. I knock on the door.

' Come on in!'

I enter the room and see a man leaning on the wall.

He takes a look at me. ' Well, look at you! Where'd they mine you up? Does this mountain have a name?'

I'm a bit startled, but respond all the same. ' My name's Igneous, and I'm here for Aren.'

He acts uninterested. ' Some people call me Aren, others call me The Fletcher. Those who dislike me find other clever titles. ' He looks up.
' What do ye want?'

' Galleous sent me. He told…' I begin.

' Galleous is alive? He must be older than the Walls of Time by now!' Aren cuts me off. ' But go on, why did Galleous send you all the way down here, huh? '

I have lost my patience and speak more firmly. ' I need to get into K'arthen. '

Aren sits down at the table. ' Oh, that's a good idea. What are you trying to do, get yourself killed? ' He crosses his arms. ' Even if I wanted to hike across the endless dunes of Cydonia and somehow smuggle you into K'arthen, I'm going to need a lot more than Galleous's words as a compensation. '

I put the gold Galleous gave him on the table.

Aren looks at it and smiles.


After hours of travelling in the desert, we reach a sand dune, and overlook the K'arthen wall.

' There's the K'arthen wall. If you want to go in there, you must be dumber than a chef who sells mushroom soup, only it ain't mushroom soup cuz they didn't put any shroom in the soup, and they sell it to ya hoping you won't notice.'

I'm a little confused by the reference, but okay...?

' So why do you want to go in there?' Aren asks.

' My reasons are my own. How do we pass through?'

' We don't. The wall was made as a message telling people like yourself to stay out. What K'arthen doesn't know is that they don't have the defenses to watch the entire border. Head West along the mountains, and you'll find the pass. '

' Thanks, Aren. '

Aren walks off. ' Good luck, Igneous! You're the bravest Magnorite fool I've ever met! May we meet again. '

I roll my eyes and follow Aren's instructions. Sure enough, there was an opening in the K'arthen wall, and I manage to slip through.

K'arthen very much different from what I expected. The bare lands go on forever, it's impossible to grow any crops or plants around here.

I reach a large doorway in a cliff, and walk in. I stops and look around in awe at a large hall. This should be the capital of K'arthen, the Great Hall of Tarturus.

The hall was enormous, with a giant stone stalagmite in the center full of diamonds and other precious materials.


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