The Deathsinger

525 15 0

Senn's p.o.v

I look around and notice a large crowd of Ardoni surrounding me. Most were Voltaris, but there were a couple others that weren't.

It was snowing, although it was burning hot from the fire before Ingressus tossed me through the... I don't know what it does.

I look up as Ingressus walks through the... thing... Almrak and Deltheus follow closely behind him. A ray of light surrounds them for a moment, but I don't know what it does.

/A/N/ It was the ray of light that surrounded the Deathsinger when he walked through and his Songs were left behind. Senn doesn't know that yet.

I hear gasps of shock and fear through the crowd. I'm pretty sure I know why. Whatever that thing was, it was probably a portal of some sort, and these people probably know how dangerous Ingressus is.

Suddenly, I hear an Aggressium Song charging up from behind me. I turn around as a fast moving projectile in the form of a vortex is fired by a Kaltaris in the crowd. It went towards Ingressus, who slips to the side, dodging it.

The Kaltaris charges forward at Ingressus with his staff. Clearly he doesn't know who he's dealing with here. I reach for my sword, but grasp my hands in the air as I realise I left my sword back at Mount Velgrin.

Before I can react, I watch as Ingressus' sword goes right through the Kaltaris' body. The Kaltaris' lights fade out and he collapses forward onto the ground. His Agressium Song appears beside him.

Ingressus looks up at me and the other Ardoni behind me. I look back and see the closest Ardoni to me, a Mendoris, with his mouth wide open in shock.

' Oh, believe me. I'm as surprised as you are,' Ingressus tells him.

The Mendoris raises his sword.
' Deathsinger, I should have known you were responsible for this sinister plot.'

Ingressus walks closer towards us.
' You are right, you should've known.'

I turn to the Mendoris. ' Get out of here, you don't know who you're dealing with.'

' What about you? Who are you anyway?'

' Just go, I can handle Ingressus,' I shove the Mendoris.

The Mendoris looks back at Ingressus, who is extremely close to us now. He nods and turns around to run.

Ingressus charges at me, and I try to summon in my shield Song. But nothing happens, and I quickly slip to the side as Ingressus' sword stabs right next to me.

' After them! Don't let anyone escape!' I hear a Voltaris call out. The rest of the Voltaris begin chasing after the other Ardoni and killing them.

Ingressus swings his sword at me, and I cartwheel out of the way to dodge it. I try summoning my Mobilum Song this time, but nothing happens. What is wrong with me?!

I look up as Almrak fires an arrow in my direction. I leans backwards and it flies right past my face.

Ingressus swings his sword multiple times at me, and I struggle to dodge them all, unable to block them without my sword. How I wish I hadn't left it behind!

He backs me up towards the rocky mountain wall, and I roll to the side as his sword plants into where I stood a second ago. I kick his face before he can pull his sword back out. I'll have to rely on my hands and fist for now, I don't know what's wrong with my Songs.

Ingressus stumbles back and I pull out his sword. It's way heavier than mine, how much does this weigh, and how does he walk around with it drawn out everyday? I struggle to swing it at Ingressus due to it's heavy weight, and end up throwing it away as I swing it.

Just when I think both of us are unarmed and the battle should be easier now, Ingressus draws out Voltar. I guess I forgot about that cursed staff. He swings it at me repeatedly, and I keep backing away to avoid being hit.

He corners me at the edge, the very same ledge Father fell off earlier. I look down the ledge, and look back up as Almrak fires an arrow into the distance. The Mendoris from earlier is hit as he was running off, and collapses forward as his bright purple lights fade into darkness.

Ingressus walks forward, and I back up slowly until I can't any more. I don't have my sword, I don't know what's wrong with my Songs, and I'm cornered.

The remaining other Ardoni have all been killed by the Voltaris, and now I'm the last one that's not a Voltaris. But I don't think that's going to last long.

Ingressus charges forward. I take a step back and fall over the edge.

Everything blacks out as I hit the ground below.


Third person view

The Deathsinger looks over the edge, but everything is blur out from the snow, and he can't see clearly.

' He's probably dead, he couldn't have survived the fall,' Deltheus walks up behind him.

The Deathsinger thinks for a moment and looks up, thinking he's probably right. He sheathes Voltar and walks around the portal towards the other Voltaris.

/A/N/ They came out from the portal and were facing the opposite side of where Achillean was pushed down. So they fought their way around the portal, and have to walk around the portal again to get to the Voltaris on the other side of the portal.

' How long has it been?'

' 154 years, Ingressus,' Lucidius tells him.

' Where are my Prime Songs?'

' Thalleous Sendaris moved them before we could attack.'

' You do not have them?' the Deathsinger glares at Lucidius.

' No, but we may know where one is.'

' You may know where one is?'

Lucidius looks down in fear.

' Have you at least prevented the Enderknights' return? '

Tygren walks up from the other side.
' No Enderknights have appeared since the Great War. However, we were unable to retrieve the remaining Enderdragon eggs. '

The Deathsinger tightens his fists.
' And Achillean? '

The Voltaris look at each other.

' We heard you killed him before entering the portal,' Tygren tells him.

' Finally some good news! ' the Deathsinger says, a little bit annoyed.
' Come, we have much work to do and do not have a moment to waste.'

As they walk away, the Deathsinger picks his sword from the ground. He stops as he turns around to see the portal closing.

He stands on the cliff face and looks out over Ardonia.

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