The Start Of A New Journey

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In a stable outside the Underwood, horses are hanging out, eating grass.

Suddenly, two figures come out of the woods. The horses start making loud noises.

' Hurry up, Grim. These beasts are blowing our cover.'

Jalkar climbs over the fence easily, but Grim doesn't make it and groans as he hangs on the fence.

Jalkar tries to mount a white horse, but an arrow flies over him and hits the fence post. The horse rears up and becomes impossible to control.

Jalkar and Grim turn around to see Abbigail pulling her bow, Sam barking beside her.

Abbigail fires another arrow, and Jalkar hides behind some haybales with Grim.

' Oh no, not this girl again!' Jalkar grumbles. ' I told you we got lost in the woods on the way out. Some shortcut you had!'

Grim makes a defensive grunt.

Sam runs towards them, and Abbigail fires another arrow.

Jalkar grabs the dragon stone from Grim. ' You take care of the girl this time! We need these horses!'

Abbigail is prepared to fire another arrow.

Grim draws out his scythe and activates it. Abbigail thinks for a quick moment, and draws another arrow to fire both at Grim. Grim deflects both the arrows with his scythe. Sam bites Grim's leg and he falls down. He kicks Sam away, who backs off.

Jalkar is now on the horse. ' Come on, Grim. Quit rolling around!'

Grim gets up and climbs onto Jalkar's horse.

' Not my horse, you idiot. Get your own horse!' Jalkar pushes Grim off.

Grim starts running towards a second house when a girl comes out of the house nearby. ' Cloud, girl, here!' She whistles. The horse starts galloping towards the girl, sending Jalkar flying off the back.

Grim tries to help Jalkar up, but gets hit by an arrow from Abbigail. He stumbles backward, whining in pain.

Jalkar gets up. ' Forget the horses, Grim. Run!'

Jalkar runs off with the dragon stone. Abbigail lets another arrow fly towards them, and Grim hurries behind Jalkar.

The girl walks up to Abbigail.
' Abbigail, what's going on?'

Abbigail lowers her bow and turns to the girl. ' Hey, Darlene. Sorry for the trouble, I was hoping to catch them before they left the woods.'

Darlene shrugs her shoulders. ' It's all right, Abbi. Nobody is hurt, and the thieves didn't make it off with any of my horses.'

She whistles again, and the white horse, Cloud, walks over to her.

' It's been so long since you've come by, Abbi,' Darlene says, ' Why don't you stay for a bit? After you've rested you can catch up to them on horseback.'

Abbigail smiles. ' Thanks, Darlene. That'd be much appreciated.'


After resting, both of them are riding horses. They follow Sam, who is sniffing out the trail.

' Apparently, they stole some dragon stone from Etherea,' Abbigail tells Darlene, ' When I found it in the woods, they came for it.'

Darlene gasps. ' It's not just a dragon stone, Abbigail. It's an Ender Dragon Egg! No wonder they were so determined.'

Abbigail is surprised. ' It's an egg?'

Darlene giggles. ' Come on, you know the stories. The Enderknights used to protect the land alongside their dragons. That was years ago… both the Enderknights and their dragons have vanished.'

Abbigail thinks about that for a moment.

' So…' Darlene begins, ' How did you persuade Mr Finch to let you go on this hunt?'

Abbigail looks down. ' I didn't. I just… left.'

' About time!' Darlene smiles, ' I don't know how you manage to live with him.'

Abbigail sighs. ' He may be a strict old grouch, but he has looked out for me ever since my parents died. I can't just forget that.'

' And how's your brother, Denny?'

' He's fine.' Abbigail tells her.

Sam starts barking. They ride up to the edge of a large ravine.

' Oh no, they're going to use the ravine to stay out of Conchord's borders,' Darlene sighs. ' This is as far as I can take you, Abbi.'

Abbigail discounts the horse. ' Thank you for your help, Darlene. I'll have to pay you back someday.'

Darlene shakes her head. ' You already helped save my horses from being stolen, Abbi. This is the least I can do . Be safe on your hunt!'

Darlene rides off.

Abbigail and Sam begin walking down the ravine.

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