The Enderqueen

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/A/N/ I'm sooooo sorry! I totally forgot about Abbigail. Just imagine this took place after " I Made This For You".

Galleous' p.o.v

I shuffle through my papers on the table. Suddenly, I eye an piece of paper and read it.

No, I couldn't be...

I pocket the paper and head up towards the aviary.

' Merlin, I have a message that needs sending!'

No one responses.

' Merlin, this is important!' I raise my voice.

' Aha, finally something worthy of my time.'


Abbigail's p.o.v

I walk through the wilderness with Luna.

' I appreciate the help, Luna, but I really wish you wouldn't show yourself. ' I tell her.

Luna makes a gesture with her wings.

' Subtle? How was that subtle?' I ask.

She makes another motion.

' You burnt down a barn!'

She shakes her head and waves it off.

' Okay, fine. You burnt down an empty barn. You still showed yourself clearly. Soon everyone's gonna know there's a dragon in the wild. '

I pull out the glowing object from days ago.

A bird lands nearby.  ' Greetings!'

I jump back.  ' Woah! '

The bird flaps it's wings. ' I beg your pardon, madam, would you happen to be Abbigail? '

' Yeah, that's me… ' I'm still surprised.  ' Are you a messenger bird?'

' " Messenger bird" is such a crude term, madam. I'm a highly certified communications emissary, not some…'

The bird squawks as Luna playfully leaps over and tries to bite it.

' Luna, behave yourself!' I scold her.

Luna sits down and looks innocently at me.

The bird sits on a taller branch, still terrified. ' What is that beast? '

' Her name is Luna. She won't eat you, I promise,' I look over to Luna, ' Isn't that right? '

Luna nods.

The bird flies over to a pond. ' Yes, well, I do wish I had been properly warned about this before. Now you've gone and ruffled my feathers. '

The bird composes himself as he flies back towards Abbigail. ' However, I haven't got a moment to spare. Listen carefully as my time is valuable and thus I'm only saying this once. '


Galleous' p.o.v

' So the rumours are true…' I walks closer to the Enderdragon.

A voice calls out from behind. ' Be careful, she bites.'

I look to the side and see none other than Abbigail. ' I'm glad you received my message, Abbigail. Welcome. My name is Galleous Sendaris.'

She looks surprised. ' How do you know my name?'

We head towards the lower level. The Enderdragon flies around the open air in Ataraxia.

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