The Ender Trials

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Abbigail's p.o.v

We follow the Ender Eye to its destination.

There is a large room with a sword handle sticking out of a pedestal in the center. I look between Luna and the sword, then draw it out of the pedestal.

The sword glows purple and then the floor around me shifts and moves down. I get back to back with Luna, preparing for the first trial.

But instead, I see Denny standing nearby.

' Abbigail?'

' Denny? It can’t be… I watched you die.' I slowly walk towards my brother.

' But it wasn’t your fault you know?'

' How is it not my fault? If I didn't go back, you wouldn't...' I trail off as I wrap my hands around my brother to hug him, but my hands go right past him. It was just an illusion.

' Abbigail, we made the choice to follow you, and you did everything you could. I’m glad I got to be a part of your adventure.'

Denny holds out a rose, and I take it sadly. I look back up to see him fade out into ender particles, as well as the rose in my hand.

Just then, a bright light flashes, and I use my hand to shield myself from the light.

Then, there's the sound of birds chirping. I remove my hand to find myself back in Underwood, back at home...

' You finally decided to come home?'

I turn to see Mr. Finch sitting on his front porch.

' Mr. Finch?'

/A/N/ I know there's the whole Abbigail VS Vulcannus thing, but again, David said it was for the trailer, so...

' That’s me… if you haven’t forgotten. It's been a few months since I last saw you.'

/A/N/ She did see him when she went back to recruit Denny, but it's also been a few months since then.

' It wasn’t easy looking after both farms… but I managed. Could have used you and your brother though.'

' I’m sorry Mr. Finch… I had to leave. And Denny is...'

' Why? And why is it you left, Abbigail?

I think a moment about my reasoning. ' At first it was just an impulse… I didn’t know why, but I had to rescue the dragon egg. Afterwards I learned of many terrible things that were coming… and did come. I left, Mr. Finch… because I have been given a gift, and it belongs to the whole world.'

Mr. Finch slowly smiles, then nods in approval.

The floor drops out from beneath me.
The endercrown falls off my head and lands further ahead. I look over at it but a hand picks it up. I look up and see Allister holding the crown. I look around and realise we're in the throne room, where Allister once confronted me.

' It seems I was right all along, Abbigail,' he chuckles.

' The crown doesn’t belong to you, Allister.'

' Nor does it belong to you apparently. Who’s left? Is it just you?'

He dons the crown and begins walking towards me as he did in our old confrontation here.

' There have never been any female Enderknights, and there never will be. You never were capable of making the difficult decisions, Abbigail, nor muster the courage to kill those who oppose you.'

I swing my sword and stab it through Allister before he can raise his sword to block.

' That’s where you’re wrong.'

I hold the pose for a moment, waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly, the floor moves me back up and I'm back where I began near the pedestal.

The endercrown falls to the floor with a clang, breaking the silence.

I run to the crown and place it on her head. It doesn’t illuminate. I look at the sword which fades out to black.

' No, no, no...'

Luna walks up behind me and nuzzles me lightly.

I look around the room and see many Endermen watching from the shadows.

I take a deep breath, trying to accept that I will never be the Enderqueen anymore.

I get up and walk over to the edge of the room where many Endermen are.

' I’m sorry I’m not the Enderqueen I should have been. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more to protect my Enderknights, and I’m sorry I failed these trials. But this doesn’t mean I’m going to stop fighting. Saxon and Trevor may still be alive, and the Nether will be coming to destroy the End before long. I ask for your help in these dark times.'

I wait a moment.

One by one, the Endermen teleport away and leave me. Soon, I am left alone with Luna again.

I sigh as I begin to walk away. Suddenly, I hear an Enderman behind her, and turn to see one step out from the side. It has one arm cut off.

I recall looking back at Tabaro Crags, and seeing an Enderman with an arm missing. Could it be the same one? Had it been following me the whole time?

More Enderman appear beside it, and I smile.

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