Attack On Sendaria

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Ria and Thalleous have been travelling for a few weeks. Finally, Ria sees a few familiar trees.

' We're close to Sendaria now! Hurry up!' Ria urges Thalleous.

Thalleous just nods and follows behind Ria slowly.

Suddenly, Thalleous sniffed the air. There was a weird smell. The smell of...


' Ria, wait!' Thalleous rushes forward, but Ria has already seen it. They stand, unable to react on the hill overlooking Sendaria.

Sendaria was in flames.


' No...' Ria is unable to believe what she is seeing.

She rushes forward, worried about her family. Thalleous stops her. ' Wait, Ria! Whoever did this could still be here.'

Ria stops, realising that he was probably right.

' Wait here, Ria.' Thalleous draws out his sword. ' I will check out for survivors.' He teleports forward towards Sendaria.

He walks around Sendaria, but finds no one. He's about to head back, but stops.

He turns around and looks at a hill.

Voltaris come through the burning flames, weapons drawn.

Thalleous activates his sword as he slowly walks forward.

A Voltaris fires an arrow at him. Thalleous deflects it with his sword as two other Voltaris charge towards him.

The sound of swords clashing can be heard from far away. Ria wants to help Thalleous, but she can't fight, and Thalleous told her to stay right here.

The two Voltaris keep attacking Thalleous, and Thalleous blocks all the attacks with his sword, killing both in soon after.

The third Voltaris engages, but Thalleous knocks his sword into the air, grabs it and kills him.

Another Voltaris approaches Thalleous, swinging his blade around. When he tries to attack, Thalleous holds his blade down and kicks him in the face.

Ria has had enough. She can't stand there and do nothing. She gets up and rushes into the fray.

Another arrow flies right past Thalleous' face. The Voltaris fighting Thalleous backs up to dodge the arrow.

Thalleous raises the sword he got from the Voltaris earlier, and throws it at the Voltaris with the bow, ending his life. He kills the Voltaris that had the blade shortly after.

Another Voltaris holding a spear charges towards him.

Ria heads towards the sound of clashing weapons. Suddenly, a Voltaris comes out of nowhere and attacks her. She quickly summons her Song, which she doesn't know how to use, but under the circumstances, she didn't have a choice. She managed to jump vertically high in the air, avoiding the attack. But, she doesn't land gracefully, and instead falls onto the ground with a loud thump. ' Ow!'

Thalleous falls over. The Voltaris raises his spear, and Thalleous uses his sword to block the spear.

The Voltaris closes in on Ria, swinging his weapon. It swings over her head as she ducks. The Voltaris prepares to attack again, but Timber arrives and steps on the Voltaris, killing him.

Ria quickly grabs the Voltaris' weapon, a hammer, and continues running towards Thalleous.

Thalleous continues fighting the Voltaris, and finally manages to kill him with his own spear.

He looks up to see more Voltaris surrounding him.

On the hill, Tygren comes out of the flames.

' Thalleous Sendaris… We meet again.'

Thalleous turns to Tygren.

' I noticed you moved the Prime Songs. I need them. Can you not see? Look, look what you made me do…' Tygren motions to the burnt village, not seeming to care that he had just killed everyone there.

Thalleous sighs. ' I have fought against your kind for 200 years, Tygren. Whatever the Voltaris are planning, I will stop it.'

' You will not interfere with our plan this time, old man!' He motions to attack and the Voltaris charge forward.

Thalleous waits until they are close enough and activates his Agressium Song, Aggroshock. The ground around him shakes and the Voltaris are sent flying.

He runs forward and kills one of the survivors, and then teleports to kill the last one.

He looks up as Tygren jumps from the hill, and their swords clash.

Tygren pushes Thalleous back and kicks him in the face. Thalleous quickly regains himself and swings his sword, which Tygren blocks swiftly.

Thalleous manages to kick Tygren back but Tygren quickly regains his balance.

Thalleous teleports and begins running towards where he left Ria.

Tygren pulls out the spear from the Voltaris earlier, and throws it in Thalleous' direction.

Just as it's about to pierce it's target, a hammer knocks it off course and the spear lands right next to Thalleous.

Tygren looks to the side, and sees Ria.
Thalleous notices Ria as well.

Tygren groans in frustration and charges at Ria. Thalleous quickly teleports towards Ria as well, but Tygren was closer to her than he was.

Tygren jumps on Ria, and Ria rolls to the side, avoiding his attack. Tygren swings his sword to the side, and Ria uses her Song again. She jumps high up again, dodging the attack, but lands uncontrollablely back on the ground. ' Ah!'

Tygren charges towards her. Ria reacts quickly and grabs one of the Voltaris' blade. She raises it just in time to block the attack.

Thalleous reaches them, and swings his sword at Tygren from behind, hurting him.

Tygren stumbles back and looks up at Thalleous and Ria, who both raise their weapons defensively.

' You got lucky this time, old man! Just you wait and see! I will kill you one day!' Tygren retreats along with the other Voltaris.

Thalleous and Ria look around.

' It's all destroyed...' Ria mutters quietly. ' Father...'

Thalleous looks at her. ' I promised your father I would protect you. Now come, there's nothing left for us here. We will go to Ataraxia, you will be safer there.'

Ria nods.

They leave the burning ruins of Sendaria, mount Timber, and head towards Ataraxia.

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