The Balance

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Abbigail's p.o.v

The ghast flies up against me, and I push it away. ' Excuse me, what do you mean "sister?"'

' We had the same father, Chronos. Your mother however, is not the same as mine.'

The ghast floats back towards me. I give in and pet it.

' Her name is Kiki. Her parents were killed by hunters.' Vulcannus.

Kiki flies up towards Luna, who leans away avoiding contact.

I sit down on the other log. ' Okay, so we have the same father, but why should I ever help you?'

' Because I can help save the End. How much do you know about the conflict between our two dimensions?'

' I’ve been learning.' I try to avoid my lack of knowledge.

' For centuries we have kept records of the End in the libraries of the Nether. Our worlds have always opposed each other like day and night. Yet, despite centuries of fighting and war, there has always been a balance.'

Vulcannus pulls out a piece of coal and an iron ingot and balances them in either hand.

' As one grew stronger, so did the other. But now the Nether has destroyed the balance by allying with the Voltaris clan. As they create portals into this world, their power grows. The balance has shifted, and the Ender realm is dying.'

Third person view

As Vulcannus is talking, Kiki continues to try and get Luna to acknowledge her, and Luna attempts to ignore her.

As he finishes his explanation, Vulcannus tosses the coal over his shoulder. Kiki catches it and eats it, letting out a puff of smoke as she burps.

Abbigail's p.o.v

' And what do you need me for?' I ask.

' I need access to an Enderchest, which only you can open. I imagine we could find them in the strongholds of the End, and hence will need guidance into your realm.'

' So you want me to take you to a stronghold, give you access to one of our relics, and in return…?'

' Two things. First, I can give you access to the aforementioned records and scrolls of the Nether. There you will find answers to many of your questions about the End.'

Hmm, this could be valuable...

' And the second thing?'

' At the end of the First Great War, Pythus murdered our father and usurped control. If you help me, I will do everything in my power to kill Pythus and return our forces to the Nether, leaving the Overworld in peace. Of this sister, I swear.'

Vulcannus kneels and places his hands on the hilt of his sword.

I turn to Luna to seek her advice,but instead find Luna pawing at Kiki playfully.

Luna turns and sees me watching, and tries to act like she wasn’t playing with Kiki.

' I have no way of trusting you, other than you defeated me earlier and didn’t kill me, hardly grounds for a lasting trust.'

' Only a fool would trust me, and I’m glad to know you are no such fool. Take this gift, sister.' Vulcannus hands me a Nether Star. ' Should you decide to see me again, destroy this Nether Star, for I will be alerted to its destruction, but be careful, for the rest of the Nether will be alerted as well. We will have to move quickly. Oh!... and do keep your distance when you destroy it.'

I'm confused, but takes the Nether Star anyway. I turn around and mount up on Luna.

' And please, do not speak of this meeting,' Vulcannus adds. ' It took no small amount of effort to arrange it in secrecy, and I would hope to keep it that way, for both our sakes.'

' You have given me much to consider… and the need for a new sword.' I  holds up the stump of her sword which was cut in half.

' I may be able to help with that as well. Until then, farewell, first Queen of the End.'

Vulcannus bows. Luna flies away and I don't look back.

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