The Deal

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Abbigail's p.o.v

We land on a small island.

I dismount and release the Ender Eye, It begins drifting off into a large cave and we follow it.

' We should be careful Vulcannus, this is unexplored territory.'

/A/N/ In the background, as Vulcannus prepares to hop off, Luna shakes herself causing Vulcannus to fly off and land to the ground.

' Umph!'

I turn around and look at both of them.

' What did I just say?'

Luna acts innocent.

Vulcannus gets up and brushes himself off. ' Apologies, I’m not sure your dragon takes kindly to me.'

Luna makes a “blah blah blah” gesture with her mouth while rolling her eyes.

Kiki flies down and looks around happily.

I put my hand on my face. ' Right… let’s keep moving.

Abbigail turn around to continue.

/A/N/ In the background, Luna nudges Vulcannus with her wing.

We enter a cave in the island and find a large ender portal. We look at it for a moment.

Third person view

/A/N/ Okay, I'm going third person view here! Luna and Vulcannus are doing way too much in the background.

Abbigail walks in, Luna follows, and Vulcannus follows up the rear with Kiki.


They come through the other side. They look around and see a very lifeless End realm. A few Endermen who are no longer glowing are standing lifeless around the area.

' The End is dying…' Abbigail walks forward. ' I can feel it growing weaker.'

' The situation is more grim than anticipated,' Vulcannus agrees, looking at the dead Endermen. ' We must make haste.'


They arrive in an End temple, and enter it.

They walk through the hallway. In the background a Shulker box opens and Kiki flies over to look.

' Do you know where we are?' Abbigail turns to Vulcannus.

' Our cartographers have tried to assemble a map of the End realm, but every attempt has been futile. This world does not obey the same physicality as others.'

The Shulker closes itself up and teleports away.

They enter a storage area and find an Enderchest.

' And here we need you, sister.'

' Stop calling me that, I'm not used to hearing that word in your voice.'

Abbigail goes ahead and opens the chest up slowly. Vulcannus turns towards Kiki. Kiki drifts towards the Enderchest and goes in.


In a dimly lit treasure room in the Nether, an Enderchest in the middle bumps once, and then opens up as Kiki flies up and out.

She looks around a bit and goes towards the door and unlocks it.


Back in the End, Kiki flies out and chirps and smiles.

' Excellent work, Kiki. We must now return to the Nether.'

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