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Third person view

At Ataraxia, The Knights of Ardonia are all assembled: Abbigail, Luna, Denny, Saxon, Trevor, Tidesinger, Senn, Ria, Hubris, Grek, Grim, Onyx, Masani. A few random Ardoni and humans stand around the edges.

Galleous stands in front of them.
' Everything you knew about this world is going to change now. Towns and roads will no longer be safe for travel, our enemies will not falter, and many of our friends will not survive. Today, all of us are Knights of Ardonia as we fight the second Great War.'

' We’ll need to recruit quickly,' Hubris says. ' Find anyone who has skills we can use, even if it means rescuing them from the hands of the enemy.'

' I will fly to the Ardoni clans and rally who I can before the Nether has time to spread north,' Val assures them.

' If we can get the Magnorites of K’arthen on our side, then you’ll see what real strength looks like,' Onyx points out.

Grek rubs his hands together. ' I’ve been itching for a good fight… I’m ready for some fun.'

' You can count on the Enderknights to be at your side,' Abbigail tells them.

' I need to get to Felora,' Masani starts walking off.

They turn towards Masani.

' Oh right, you can talk. What do you want with Felora, anyway?' Onyx asks.

Massani looks to one side, but does not answer.

' We will fight for Felden, Masani, as we will all the kingdoms,' the Tidesinger assures her. ' After we gather enough forces and organize our resistance, we will liberate Ardonia from the Nether. I… once had an ally who may be able to join us. However, I am not sure whether or not he will answer our call.'

They look towards the Tidesinger, unsure of what he means.

' Ataraxia was founded as a safe haven for Ardoni, but will now become a refuge for all who seek it,' Galleous says. ' I may not be a fighter… or agree with using the Songs, but I will do what I can to help those who fight for Ardonia. Go, Tidesinger… go summon this ally of yours. The Second Great War has finally begun.'


Ria's p.o.v

We follow the Tidesinger up a mountain. Another dragon is flying above us.

' Thunderdome has been following us ever since we left Ataraxia,' Trevor tells us.

' I don’t trust him one bit after what he and Allister did at Crown Peak,' Saxon says.

' He won’t attack all of us. Just stick together,' Abbigail assures them.

They arrive further up on the mountain and see a Nether doorway.

' What is this place?' I ask.

' The first Nether Portal,' the Tidesinger tells me. ' It has been inactive for centuries. Be vigilant, the enemy may be using it once again.'

We continue hiking up, and crest the mountain top.

Denny's p.o.v

Thunderdome flies down and lands in front of us. Luna roars at him and we draw our swords. Thunderdome just bows his head and looks down.

' We should kill him for what he’s done,' Saxon suggests.

' You can’t kill him, he’s one of us,' I try to dismiss the idea.

' He turned against us and attacked a city full of innocent people,' Trevor takes Saxon's side.

' They’re right, Denny. He has to pay for what he’s done… and he knows it.' Abbigail walks forward with her sword still drawn.

No, we can't kill him! He didn't even choose to be hatched by Allister!

Thunderdome remains with his head low. Abbigail raises her sword up high and Thunderdome closes his eyes.

' Wait!'

They stop, Thunderdome looks up at me.

' I didn’t ask to be an Enderknight, but here I am. Thunderdome didn’t choose to be raised by Allister, it’s just what happened. We just said we needed everyone and now we’re going to kill one of the only two dragons alive? I’ll take him, and train him as he should have been.'

I walk forward a bit, and Thunderdome takes a few steps towards me and nuzzles me. I pat his head.

/A/N/ The Tidesinger smiles in the background, happy with Denny’s choice. Denny doesn't notice it but I wanted to add this part anyway.

Thunderdome looks over at Luna, who glares back at him. He walks over to Luna, and bows down before her. She continues to frown, and walks off past him.


Ria's p.o.v

The Tidesinger sets a beacon down on the highest point.

' Your friend lives up here?' I ask.

' Not entirely,' the Tidesinger answers.

We look at each other, confused.

The Tidesinger creates a small altar of gold blocks surrounding the beacon.
He then picks it up and stands in the center, holding it high.

Nothing happens.

' We will give him time…' Tidesinger sets the beacon down in the center, and walks off.


Third person view

Later that night, everyone’s mostly sleeping. The Tidesinger sits up, staring off into the distance sleeplessly.

Ria sits up a bit and looks towards the beacon. She looks around at everyone. The dragons are sleeping as well.

She gets up and walks over to the beacon. This wakes Senn up and he looks after her. ' Ria? Where are you goin’?

She walks over to the beacon and looks down at it.

The Tidesinger turns to see what she’s doing. Ria holds the beacon up high above her head.

Suddenly lightning strikes it, and Ria drops the beacon as she falls back in pain.

' Ria!' Senn hurries over to Ria and helps her up.

Everyone watches the beacon as is continuously struck by lighting and energy begins rushing up out of it into the sky.

Suddenly they are thrown back as the beacon explodes in a flurry of electricity.

Everyone staggers back up. The Tidesinger slowly walks towards a shadowy figure remaining in the smoke left over from the destroyed beacon.

Suddenly, two white glowing eyes open in the mist.

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