Crown Peak

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Ria and Thalleous have been travelling for hours, and have stopped to rest for the night.

Thalleous lights a fire.

Ria is tired: she didn't have enough sleep last night. She lays down on a log.

' So, what happened last night?' Thalleous asks her.

Ria sits up. ' Umm...' Ria tries to think of an excuse, but didn't remember that she had walked back to her room. ' You took me back to my room, didn't you?'

' Yes... Yes, I did. I heard a Song, and knew it was you. When I got to the Song Shrine, you were unconscious.'

' I didn't expect that would happen...'

' It happens to all of us the first time. If you think that was bad, you should wait until you summon your Song for the first time.' Thalleous chuckles lightly.

He turns around. ' Speaking of which, what do you know about Songs?'

' Almost nothing. I only know that there are four orders of Songs, and each Ardoni can only wield one of each order of Songs. I also heard that wielding all Prime Songs makes us hold every Song in existence.'

' You know the basics, that's good. If you want to learn how to summon your Song, I suggest you research more about them first.'

Ria nods, and Thalleous turns back towards the woods.

' Thalleous, what brought you back to Sendaria? It's been ages since you last visited.'

Thalleous sighs. ' Events long passed, forgotten by many.'

' The Great War?'

' Yes, the Great War...' Thalleous turns to Ria as he pulls something out of his inventory. ' I came to Sendaria, for this.'

Ria looks surprised. ' A Prime Song?!'

' One of the four.'

' But my father isn't a master, how could he have had it?'

' After the masters were targeted by the Deathsinger before the Great War, it was decided the Songs were too dangerous to remain with the masters. Your father has kept the Mobilium Prime secure ever since.'

Ria can't help but look at the Prime Song. Thalleous notices this, and quickly puts it away. Ria snaps back to reality and shakes her head.

She looks back up at Thalleous. ' So, what are we going to do with it?'

' I'm taking it to a safer place. I... have reason to believe that the Voltaris clan will return. And when they do, they will hunt down the Prime Songs and destroy everything in their path. I cannot let that happen to the Ardoni,' he looks at Ria, ' not to you.'

Ria waits for Thalleous to continue, but Thalleous says no more. She lays back down on the log and falls asleep.


After a few more days, Thalleous and Ria are at the outskirts of their destination.

' Look, Ria,' Thalleous nudges her,
' We are approaching Oakendale.'

Ria leans around the side of Thalleous. ' Oakendale? Where's that?'

' We're in Conchord, the nearest kingdom to Sendaria.' They pass by the farmland just outside Conchord.

Ria turns the other way. She sees a new species. ' What are they?'

Thalleous turns to where Ria is looking. He sees the creatures, and puts him arm in front of Ria protectively. ' They are Magnorites. Do not make eye contact, Ria.'

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