Tabora Crags

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Jalkar and Grim walk through the Tabora Crags Ravine. A few Voltaris reveal themselves.

One of them, Zinaida Voltaris, walks forward. ' We were beginning to think you had backed out on our agreement, Jalkar.'

' We had a few, delays along the way.' Jalkar glares at Grim, who shrugs.

Zinaida motions towards Grim. ' I was told that you were to come alone! Your companion wasn't part of the agreement.'

' Neither was the amount of trouble we ran into,' Jalkar snaps, ' I think compensation is in order.'

They stare menacingly at each other.

' After all, this is a dragon egg we're talking about,' Jalkar adds.

Zinaida groans. ' Have it your way mercenary. We'll compensate for your extra trouble, but your companion is not part of the deal. The Voltaris will not pay a second share.'

Jalkar rolls his eyes. ' Don't worry your glowing heads about it, Grim is my problem. So, how much are we talking about?'

' I'm sure you'll find the amount sufficient,' Zinaida holds out his hand. ' Now hand over the egg. '

Jalkar starts to get suspicious. ' I don't think so. We'll be collecting the reward first, thank you.' He reaches for his knife.

Grim slowly lowers the egg.

' Or we could just kill you, and forget the reward, ' Zinaida draws out his weapon.

The other Voltaris behind him draw out their weapons, but the last one doesn't. ' This could be unwise, Zinaida. The mute one, I believe he is the reaper.'

Zinaida turns to him. ' Shut it, Lucidius.'

Grim puts down the egg and draws out his scythe.

Jalkar chuckles. ' Smart man, your second. The Reaper is with me, has a debt to pay off. By my calculations, you are outmatched.'

' Outmatched?' Zinaida turns to his companions. He scoffs. ' Kill them.'

Grim activates his scythe.

The Voltaris charge towards them. Grim pushes one backwards with his scythe. He pushes another one upwards, leaps, and digs his scythe into his body.

Jalkar turns to Zinaida, and charges forward with his knife. Lucidius pulls out his sword and clashes it with Jalkar's knife, but Jalkar draws his knife back and kicks him in the face. Lucidius gets up, but Jalkar kicks him again and he almost falls over.

Grim dodges a Voltaris' attack, and prepares to engage. But the Voltaris kicks him back, and he falls down.

Grim gets up before a Voltaris manages to hit him, and clashes his scythe with the Voltaris's sword.

Another Voltaris tries to take the opportunity of Grim getting distracted, and charges forward, sword raised above his head.

Grim sees this, and uses his foot to stop the Voltaris. He struggles to hold back both of them.

Jalkar swings his knife around, and kicks Lucidius away, having a straight path to Zinaida.

Zinaida swings his staff around. Jalkar tries to attack, but Zinaida knocks his knife out of his hand with his staff.

Zinaida engages, and Jalkar dodges it. Zinaida tries to land an attack on Jalkar twice, but Jalkar dodges both of them.

Grim lets go of the Voltaris and swings his scythe around before killing one of them. The second one runs away, but Grim throws his scythe towards him, ending his life.

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