The Second Great War

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Third person view

Over the hill, two young Ardoni are sparring with wooden sticks. The female kicks the male down, and holds the stick towards him triumphantly.

' Victory is mine once again!'

' Not so fast!' The male Ardoni kicks the female’s legs out from under her. He gets up and pulls an iron hoe out of the ground nearby.

' Let’s see how you do when I’ve got this for a weapon.'

He swings the hoe at her, but a spear suddenly blocks the attack.

' Ky' Ria!'

' A wise Ardoni once told me that our strength comes not from the power of our weapons, but rather how we choose to wield what power we have been given.'

They’re both a bit sheepish at having been caught playing around.

' I’m sorry… we’ll get back to work right away.'

' And who’s to say you aren’t doing work right now?'

They look up, confused.

' The war may be over, but the need to fight and defend our home will never truly be gone. Continue training you two… but not with this.' Ria takes the hoe out of the kid’s hand and walks off.

The female kid charges the male with her stick and he pulls his stick back out to defend.

Ria walks over to where Senn stands on top a hill.

' I never knew you could say such wise words.'

' Those were Thalleous' words, not mine.'

Senn shifts at the mention of Thalleous, but soon recovers. ' I should've known, ' he grins to her.

Ria grumbles a little.

' Hey, I was just joking.'

' That's what you always say.'

' Because it's always true. Now, I better head back to Voltaria before Father finds out I'm gone.'

' Yeah, you better. You've seen what Ingressus is like when he's mad.'

' Well, technically he was effected by the Prime Songs... But you're right, don't wanna get on my father's bad side.'

He mounts a horse. ' See you soon, Ria!' he rides off.

Ria waves as he disappears into the trees surrounding Sendaria.


' After the false Nether king Pythus was killed… the war came to a decisive end. The slaves of the Nether were freed, only to find the Overworld scarred by countless battles and its people mourning for lost loved ones.'

' Yet in these dark times was an opportunity to rebuild. Cities and homes which were destroyed were carefully reconstructed, some in their previous image, others built new.'

' As the boundaries between territories and races faded, the six kingdoms united once again. Crown Peak was restored to a city of diplomacy and democracy, not a throne for a king to rule from.'

' K’arthen has been making amends with Cydonia, primarily through renewal of their farmland, who in turn has been providing much-needed food and supplies to the beleaguered people of K’arthen. Despite years of tension, the two kingdoms are content to finally be at peace.'

' After the war, Ingressus Voltaris set out to find more hidden Voltaris in Ardonia. The Voltaris now reside back in their homeland, Voltaria. The masters of the other clans had declared a state of peace and harmony for the Ardoni, and vowed to uphold that peace until the end of time.'

' Queen Abbigail, first Queen of the End, is working alongside her remaining two Enderknights to restore the End to its former strength.'

' A few of the surviving Enderdragon eggs were brought out of the End and into the Overworld in hopes of finding new Enderknights, regardless of wealth or gender. The Enderknights will watch over and protect Ardonia- guardians against dangers from outside this world as well as within.'

' Vulcannus, now King of the Nether, has left the Overworld and returned to his own kingdom which is now in turmoil after their defeat and change of leadership.'

' And thus concluded the Second Great War. However, in the ashes, new fires have sprung. Outlaws, bandits, and other criminals seeking to take advantage of the temporary weakness have emerged. Even the undead are returning to Ardonia in greater numbers than seen in centuries. The aftermath may appear grim, but the survivors retain hope, for they will continue to fight for the land and lives which they have already given so much to protect. The Second Great War, 14th Wall of Time.'

Senn and Ria finish reading from the Walls of Time.

Nitsuke is there with them. Some Glacians are walking around.

' It’s perfect,' Ria turns to Nitsuke.
' Good work Nitsuke.'

' We had to rewrite a few walls in order to include one for the Fall of the Voltaris. Hopefully by keeping our history accurate we won’t make the same mistakes again.'


Senn and Ria walk out of the Walls of Time onto the cliff outside. The sky is clear and the wind blows lightly, but no snow is falling.

' I better go join back up with my father. We're going to search around the South next.'

' Be careful of Magnorites when you're there.'

' Come on, I'll be fine... I have a Prime Song with me, for goodness sake.'

' You're still wielding it?'

' Yeah, who knows, it may come in handy.'

' I'm just worried...'

' Don't worry, I'll get rid of it after the job is done.'

Senn turns and leaves.


' Our world, Ardonia, is a vast land, home to many diverse people, strange creatures, and dangerous monsters. It is also home to many stories… like our own.'

' We are the Knights of Ardonia- the guardians of the land and protectors of the people. We stand united against whatever evils threaten our worlds.    Many more will walk alongside our path as we journey forward. Some may join us, yet others will return to their own adventures. Whether we will see them again… remains a mystery.'

' There are those of us who will falter… and even those who will fall. Their sacrifices will never be forgotten, and their efforts will inspire everyone who remains.'

' However dark the road ahead may get, and however powerful our enemies may be… we go fourth… to whatever adventure awaits. Our story has no end.'

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