The Tidesinger's Songs

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Third person view

Galleous had sent word that he had important matters to discuss with us. The Knights of Ardonia are approaching Ataraxia now.


Galleous walks out of the blacksmith.
' I didn’t believe the rumors when I first heard them, but here you are: Achillean Nestoris.'

Achillean looks at Galleous. ' It's good to see you again, Galleous.'

Galleous walks forward. ' I have a gift for you… The rest of you are welcome to resupply and rest up before you journey on. Achillean, follow me please.'

Galleous and Achillean head into the blacksmith.


Galleous opens his chest, and pulls out the Tidesinger's Songs.

' These are your Songs, Tidesinger, recovered from Mount Velgrin after you disappeared. I was planning to give them to Senn, but he refused to wield them.'

Achillean picks his Agressium Song up. He holds it up and looks at it for a second before turning to Galleous.
' Thank you, Galleous.'

' I myself no longer wield Songs, but I am honored to return yours.'

Achillean looks at him, surprised
' Why do you no longer wield, Galleous?'

' Because… I believe Songs are responsible for many of the tragedies that plague Ardoni history.'

' I share that opinion. During the Great War, I refused to wield the Prime Songs against Ingressus. But Songs themselves are not evil. I have used them to save many lives and in an attempt to bring peace to this world. You should wield your Songs once again Galleous. The war has returned to Ardonia, and there will be no escaping it this time. I remember your name, you once taught many others to wield Songs, including your brothers. Help us once again, and teach others what you know.'

Galleous deeply considers his words, but doesn't say anything.


The Knights of Ardonia regroup in one of the rooms.

' I know the Prime Songs are better hidden away, but if the Deathsinger finds them, we're doomed,' Hubris says. ' If we retrieve them and protect them ourselves, we could stand a chance.'

' I highly disagree here,' Senn raises his hand. ' Maybe we should just leave them where they are now.'

' Okay then, those who think we should retrieve the Prime Songs, stand on the right, those who think we should leave them where they are, on the left,' Ria comes up with an idea to solve the problem.

Senn steps to the left, and Hubris stands on the right.

Ria and Thalleous join Senn. But Grek, Grim and Masani walk over beside Hubris.

Achillean thinks for a moment, and decides to join the right side.

' Achillean!' Thalleous grumbles.

' What? Even if I stood on your side, it would still be four against three!' Achillean protests.

Senn groans. ' Fine, don't make me regret this...'

Thalleous sighs. ' The closest one to us now is the Mobilium Prime in Crown Peak.'


They set off to retrieve the Mobilium Prime Song from Crown Peak.

Galleous watches them leave before going back into the blacksmith.

Galleous looks at his Supporium Song, then walks towards the forge. He thinks.

He then grabs his Song and heads to the Song Shrine. He places it in the Supporium pillar, and wields his Song once again.

Galleous heads back to the blacksmith and uses his Song on some obsidian before tossing it into the forge.

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