The Boat On The Ocean

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/A/N/ This chapter has no changes from the original series.

Third person view

At the Meridian docks, Lucan and Niika are getting in a boat. The boat is small and wavers as Niika climbs in.

She jumps to the center of balance and grabs hold of Lucan to not fall over.

' It’s unstable! The boat is leaking!'

' The boat’s not leaking, it’s just swaying slightly, see?' Lucan starts to rock the boat to tease her. Niika gets down on all fours for balance.

' Lucan! Cut it out! Felina belong in the trees, not out at sea.'

' So I’ve heard. Luckily for us, the sea is the only place the Nether haven’t claimed.'

Lucan pushes off, and they slowly sail away from Meridian up the coast.

' But Felden’s half way around Ardonia… that’s days away,' Niika says.

' That’ll be plenty of time to overcome your fear of the ocean.'

Niika makes a disapproving face as they drift away.


Niika is looking forward leaning on her hands. ' Are we there yet?'

Lucan looks back and Meridian docks are right behind them.

' Well uh, we’re a bit closer than we were five minutes ago.'

Niika groans and buries her head in her hands.

They are slowly heading up the coastline.

Niika is very bored. She groans and grumbles as she looks at her feet, at the ocean, she even perks up at the sound of a fish, and leans over the edge to try and catch it.

The ocean is calm and peaceful, and the setting sun has lit the sky with bright shades of pink and orange.

Niika’s face is still smothered in her hands, bored.

' I’ve been thinking.'

' Uh oh, not you too.'

Niika’s lifts her head out of her hands.

' Sure, the Knights of Ardonia failed to retake Felden… but it wasn’t their fight, it wasn’t their home. They don’t know the place or the people who live there.'

' Are you suggesting a rebellion from within Felora?'

' We could sneak back through the Necromancer tunnels. Rather than attacking with an army of strangers, we’ll rally an army of those who live and fight for Felden.'

Lucan thinks about it for a moment.
' I’ve taken a lot from Felden… never given much back. And hey, if it works, it might inspire other kingdoms to do the same.'

Niika smiles and slides to the back of the boat where Lucan is rowing and leans on his shoulder. Lucan is a bit surprised but continues rowing.

' Wake me when we get there,' Niika tells him.

They sail off into the sunset, still side by side.

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