Where We Have Come

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Ria's p.o.v

After the battle, we sit crouched, catching their breath outside the city where there is more space and the air is clearer.

The Tidesinger is speaking to a messenger bird. ' Fly to Felden with all haste. Tell them it is time.'

The bird flies off.

Thalleous turns to us. ' We have a few hours before we continue on. Use this time to gather your strength; we’re not finished just yet.'


Third person view

Hasan is talking to Borgen.

' I never thought I’d see our kingdoms fighting side by side again during my lifetime, but I’m glad the day has come.'

' And the K’arthen people are likewise glad to rejoin the rest of Ardonia.'

' How did you ever defeat the Nether in your own kingdom?'

' The Nether never made it to K’arthen. Remember that our beacon had been disabled since we left the union- they had no way to surprise us with an infiltration. They did attempt to take Tartarus, but our tunnels and soldiers held them off.'

' And now the two strongest armies of Ardonia are united, smart move.'

Hasan pats Borgen on the shoulder.


Grek and Hubris watch as Herobrine goes to the side, holds his sword up, and with a strike of lightning, is gone.

' Aaaand there he goes again,' Grek groans.

' I’m sure he’ll return as he always does. The Tidesinger mentioned something about “cross-dimensional beings” and their fragile mortality.'

' Right, yeah, whatever that means.'

Hubris goes to the side where Thalleous and the Tidesinger are.

' How many did we lose?' Thalleous asks.

' Casualties are always high against the Nether,' Achillean tells her. ' Wither skeletons are stronger than ordinary undead.

' We lost Onyx during the fight,' Hubris tells Thalleous.

Thalleous sighs. ' Onyx was one of the first to join the Knights of Ardonia.'

' He died saving a great many lives today. Many more will fall before we confront the Deathsinger, and their sacrifices will never be forgotten,' Achillean tries to comfort him.


Ria's p.o.v

I sit out on a pier.

A Magnorite suddenly walks up behind him. ' You’re Ria, right?'

' Yeah… that’s me.'

He pulls out a small stack of books and approaches me. ' These belonged to Igneous.'

Wait... No, it couldn't be...

' He wrote about his travels in some of them, he wrote about you. We, uh, we thought you should have them.'

He hands the books to me.

I take them as tears start to flow from my eyes. ' I was hoping I’d see him again someday. What happened?'

' He ended the oppression of K’arthen and our conflict with Cydonia. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for his sacrifice. I’m sorry…'

I look at the books for a moment. I wipe the tears out of my eyes. I try to look on the bright side.

' I'm glad he was able to make a difference...'

' Magnorites have a tradition… we name all our mountains and cities after heroes and leaders: Tartarus, Kaelos, Markar. One was nearly named Malakai, but I think the new name will be much more appropriate.'

I look up at him and smile.


Abbigail's p.o.v

I stand up on one of the small towers in Meridian, looking out over the city. I turn and jump down to where Luna and the other Enderknights are waiting.

Trevor is attempting to enchant his sword still. The sword begins glowing.

' Heyyyy… look at that. Your first enchantment!' Saxon says excitedly.

Trevor’s eyes widen, but when he goes to pick it up it sparks him and fizzles out.

' Well… maybe not quite yet,' Saxon sighs.

Denny is to the side trying to feed Thunderdome. ' You must be hungry after all this fighting.'

Thunderdome turns and looks excited.

' You want something to eat?'

Thunderdome nods his head repeatedly.  Denny reveals a large plate of fruit salad.

' I made you a giant fruit salad.'

Thunderdome looks annoyed and turns away.

' Hey! You can’t always live off farm animals! You need to eat your fruits and greens too!'

Denny pushes the salad in Thunderdome’s face, who just leans further away.

' Fine, I’ll just leave your food here, and hang out with people who appreciate my cooking.'

Denny sets the salad down and walks towards us. Luna approaches, picks up the salad plate and walks off. Thunderdome is surprised, and follows Luna.

' So… anyone hungry?'. Denny asks.

' If it’s more travel food, I’ll pass,' Saxon tells him.

' Yeah, I’m not too hungry…' Trevor fans off his hand where he was shocked a moment ago.

' Not even for freshly baked cookies?' Denny proudly holds up a bunch of cookies.

' Oh, heck yeah!' Saxon nods.

' I’m starving!' Trevor reaches out his hand for one.

' Thanks, brother.'

Denny hands out cookies to everyone and we gobble them up.

Luna is eating the salad. Thunderdome attempts to get some of his food but Luna blocks him out. 
Thunderdome, with nothing to eat, leans down behind us and eats the rest of the plate of cookies.


Ria's p.o.v

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see Senn. He sits down on the pier next to me.

' Hey... Thanks for that...'

' I never lost anything to him anyway.'

There's a moment of silence.

' It's been a while since we last trained,' he says.

' Do you want to do that now?'

' I do feel kind of bored,' he chuckles.

I stand up and draw out my spear. He gets up as well and draws out his sword.

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