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Third person view

Pythus enters a building in Crown Peak.

He sees Vulcannus turned away from him, looking over the balcony.

' You know I wouldn’t come here if I had any other choice.'

Vulcannus waits a moment, then speaks without turning to face Pythus.

' Always through desperation we meet. He who speaks little hears much, and he who watches from afar sees all. I’ve been waiting for you, Pythus.'

' Turn around and face your king.'

Vulcannus waits a rebellious moment, then turns away from his view of the city and faces Pythus. He appears neither happy nor angry, but obeys his king regardless.

' If you have indeed observed the situation so keenly, then you know it is dire.'

' Your grip on the Overworld has grown weak, that much is clear.'

Pythus waits before answering, reluctant to show weakness.

' I can’t fight all our enemies alone. You are the most powerful Netharan alive… with the exception of myself. You have proven yourself unpredictable, and that makes you dangerous.'

Vulcannus continues to face Pythus, saying nothing.

' Vulcannus… I have assigned you to lead the battle against the Enderknights. The Nether and Ender armies will go to war once again.'

Vulcannus slowly nods and smiles.


As the Knights of Ardonia are preparing to leave, Denny walks into the room.

' Hey, sis, a messenger bird just flew in, says Saxon and Trevor were seen moving to a prison camp outside of Bhengorn.'

Abbigail looks up at Denny.

' As much as we need the Prime Songs, I need the Enderknights at full strength.

' Sounds good, is everyone in agreement?' Ria asks.

Everyone nods and agrees.

Achillean turns to Abbigail. ' Go find your Enderknights, Abbigail. We will await your return. Denny, fly high and avoid passing over major cities. We will see each other again at Northwind pass.'

/A/N/ I forgot to mention that while in third person view, I will be calling Achillean the Tidesinger during battles, and if he's not battling I'll just call him Achillean.


In the forests of Bhengorn, Luna and Abbigail fly over as the trees rustle slightly.

Luna arcs around the field beside Bhengorn and sets down. Abbigail dismounts and draws her sword, alert.

' I don’t like this Luna, it could be some sort of trap.'

She walks towards the town, Luna towering behind her.

As she enters, Luna is forced to stop on the outskirts as the buildings are packed too tightly together. 

Abbigail continues alone to the middle, and spots Saxon and Trevor’s helmets sitting in the center of town. She draws her sword and turns around.

Vulcannus is standing in the street behind her.

Luna roars, but is unable to get closer to help. Vulcannus has his sword drawn, but makes no move.

' Where are the Enderknights?!' Abbigail demands.

Vulcannus does not respond, so Abbigail rushes forward and attacks.

Abbigail clashes her sword with Vulcannus, and twirls around swinging her sword. Vulcannus blocks her attack again.

She switches to her bow and fires an arrow, but Vulcannus slips to the side, evading it.

She switches back to her sword and swings it at Vulcannus, who blocks it again.

She continues attacking him, occasionally switching to her bow, and Vulcannus blocks all her attacks, but makes no offensive move.

Abbigail doesn't notice as she and the Netheran's fight has taken them towards the outskirts of the town.

Luna soars down preparing to attack. Vulcannus kicks Abbigail away, draws a bow, and fires an enchanted arrow at Luna, which hits her and throws her back into the pine forest, knocking trees down.

' Luna!'

Abbigail looks back towards Vulcannus who is waiting for Abbigail to continue.

Abbigail charges at him, and Vulcannus swings his sword over her head. Abbigail ducks and gets up, preparing to attack, but Vulcannus swings his sword again.

Abbigail slips to the side just in time, and Vulcannus slices through an entire pine tree.

She is surprised at how powerful Vulcannus is, and while she's distracted, Vulcannus cuts her sword in half.

She draws her bow to fire, but sees Vulcannus with his sword pointed down, both hands on his hilt, no longer attacking. 

' Very impressive. Please, let us sit.' Vulcannus gestures to two seats which are beside a fireplace in the woods. A baby ghast floats nearby happily. It is clear that he intended the fight to end in this very location.

Luna comes racing back out of the forest and leaps in front of him and roars in his face. He doesn’t flinch.

' Who are you?' Abbigail asks.

' My name is Vulcannus.'

' Why were you trying to kill us?'

' It was merely a challenge. I needed to be assured of your abilities before proceeding.'

Luna snips in Vulcannus’ face.

' Please, let us sit. I have fresh food cooking and enough time to answer your questions.' Vulcannus sits down on one log.

Abbigail refuses to sit yet, and Luna stands behind her, scowling at Vulcannus the entire time.

' Where are my Enderknights, Vulcannus?'

' They are being held in a Nether prison, out of my reach.'

The young ghast flies over to Abbigail and looks at her curiously.

' Why did you bring me here…?' Abbigail asks.

' Because… I need your help sister, as you need mine.'

' Sister?'

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