The Voltaris Aren't The Real Enemy

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Galleous' p.o.v

We finally arrive at Ataraxia. We had been travelling for weeks!

I look back to the Voltaris behind me.
' We're here!'

The Guardians rise from the water, and everyone takes a step back in fear.

Suprisingly, I didn't have to say anything, and the Guardians lift up the prismarine bridge for us.

I suddenly remember the Deathsinger had come through before. Could the Guardians have already known? But I don't give it a second thought and lead the Voltaris across.

/A/N/ The Guardians let Ingressus past before because they know he wasnt evil, and just wanted to save his clan. And they are all alive, Lucidius didn't kill them.

Almrak has already left, so it's just Galleous and the Voltaris.

As I enter Ataraxia, a bunch of Ardoni gasp in shock. Some even draw out weapons.

Ria steps forward. ' Galleous, what is the meaning of this?'

' The Voltaris were attacked by the Nether. They aren't the real enemy, everyone, the Nether is. If we are to win this war, we are going to need everyone.'

Everyone around thinks for a moment.

' Where is Senn? And the Deathsinger?' Ria asks.

' I don't know, they were last headed to the Walls of Time.'

Suddenly, a shadow casts over us. I look up and see Abbigail on Luna, someone beside her.

She lands beside us, and I realise the person next to her was a Netheran.

' Abbigail, who is this?' I ask.

' This is Vulcannus... My... Brother...'

' Wait, you have another brother?' Ria asks the same question on my mind.

' Yes... Well, we have the same father, King Chronos...'

' You're King Chronos' daughter?!' I ask in shock.

' Then this is... Also King Chronos' son?' Ria looks over at this Vulcannus guy. ' I thought Pythus was also...'

' It's complicated...' Vulcannus laughs softly.

One of the Voltaris walks forward.
' Ingressus was working together with him, he is on our side.'

Abbigail turns to Vulcannus. ' Wait, when you said "your most powerful ally" you meant...' She turns back to us, ' And why are there so many Voltaris behind you, Galleous?'

' It's a long story...' I put my hand on the back of my head.


Ria's p.o.v

' Okay, remember the plan,' I tell everyone as I walk out of the blacksmith. ' If the Deathsinger and his sons decide to show up, that should make things easier.'

/A/N/ Ingressus isn't coming here cuz he doesn't dare to. Don't worry, he'll show up soon.

' I'm sure they will,' Galleous assures me.

' Alright then, to Crown Peak at once!'

/A/N/ I know I've been posting very short chapters lately, but it's all just building up to the final battle.

In case you're wondering about the "plan", it'll be shown in the final battle.

I'll see if I can stuff Achillean and Ingressus' story in, but if I can't I apologise.

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