Battle Of Crown Peak

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Abbigail's p.o.v

I gasp as I open my eyes and sit upright. A bunch of Endermen and Endermites surround me.

I turn to the side and see an Ender Crystal with energy flowing towards me.

One of the Endermen holds out my sword. I take it and get up.


I come through the portal back to the Overworld and see Denny and Luna waiting for me.

' Abbigail?!' Denny runs over and hugs me. ' We all thought you were dead… but Luna wouldn’t leave. Somehow she knew you’d be alright,' Denny says while letting go.

I look up at Luna, who nuzzles her head against me.

' Allister took Thunderdome and flew off to Crown Peak,' Denny tells me.
' We tried to stop him… but failed to... Saxon and Trevor are on their way to Crown Peak by foot.'

I sit on a rock, silent.

Denny notices it. ' Abbigail? Are you alright?'

I squint my eyes. ' All of this is my fault. I’m not even sure I was meant to be an Enderknight, Denny…'

' I saw you stabbed clean through the chest, and yet you survived. The End chose you, Abbigail- Luna chose you.'

I smile.

Suddenly, Luna turns around. We turn towards that direction as well.

An Ardoni is walking down the road towards us.

' Stop right there!' Denny calls out to him. ' Are you a friend or foe?'

' A good friend, I hope,' the Ardoni smiles.

I'm surprised at his appearance.
' Galleous?' 

' I see you have found the portal to the End. What exactly has transpired?'

I sigh. ' One of my knights took the crown, nearly killed me, and is heading towards Crown Peak with the intention of ruling Ardonia. There was no female armor Galleous… I’m not even an Enderknight.'

' That remains to be seen. I told you… that there was one person left in Ardonia who can work obsidian armor.'

' What must I do?'

Galleous sets an Ender helmet down on a rock with a loud thud.

' Take back the crown.'


Third person view

At Crown Peak, some civilians are walking along, and hear dragon wings. They look up to see a  a dragon pass over.

Thunderdome flies down and lands on the dome above the throne and lets out a loud roar. He leaps off and begins flying over the city intimidating everyone, and knocks a large chimney over which crashes to the ground, sending flames and embers everywhere. Thunderdome lands beside the fire and flaps his wings sending the flames forward across the city.


The city is on fire in many places. Citizens are fleeing and panicking. Allister then lands in front of the throne area and dismounts. A few guards block his way, but he kills the first few, and the rest stand down slightly as Thunderdome glares at them. 

' Gather the ambassadors of every kingdom, and bring them before me,' Allister commands.


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