The Story Of A King

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Chronos' p.o.v

I sigh. Today is the big day...

The doors open as she walks in. Lavana, a beautiful Netheran, but I have no interest in here.

Still, my father wants the best for me, as he usually does, and has asked Lavana, the most beautiful Netheran alive, to marry me.

I never wanted this, but my father insists. I'm only doing this because I'm forced to.


It's happened. Lavana has given birth to a pair of twins. I hold them in my arms and smile.

Children... Such adorable creatures... My heart melted as I looked into their eyes.


Father is gone. I am now the new King of the Nether.


I'm in the middle of the battle. I see a woman in the distance.


It's been a few years, me and Elena are getting along well.

I've never felt this feeling before. It's something I can't describe. Everything I see her, I can't stop but feel...


We're meeting up at our usual spot.

' Chronos... I have some news...'

I glance towards her.

' We are having a daughter soon...'

' Really...?' I couldn't believe my ears.

' Yes!'


' The war had gone too far, Chronos. You need to stop!'

I think for a moment.

' Okay, I'll get my army to retreat back to the Nether.'

She smiles and leans on me, and we watch as the sun rises.


' I won’t have the rest of my people slaughtered fighting this meaningless war, Ingressus.'

' We have an alliance, Chronos. If you break that agreement we will both perish.'

' We cannot defeat the combined strength of the Enderknights, the six kingdoms, and the Ardoni. We must retreat.'

' If we retreat, you will bring shame upon our lineage and draw question upon your right to the crown.'

I stop and consider it for a moment.

' I would rather save the lives of our people, and of you Pythus, and you Vulcannus…'


' You stopped the war for a girl, Chronos! A human girl! We could've won the war!'

' I also did it to protect our people, Lavana! We don't need to rule the Overworld.'

Lavana storms out of the room.


' Chronos!'

I look up and see Pythus with his axe drawn out. He walks closer to me.

Before I can react, I feel a sharp pain in my chest.


Third person view

' I'm sorry to break this news to you,' Vulcannus looks down.

Elena buries her face in her hands and cries. ' Why...'


' Abbigail seems to age really slowly.'

' Probably because she's part Netheran. They can live up to 1000 years. She may age ten times slower than a normal human.'


' Mr Finch, John and I are going on a trip. Can you take care of Abbigail and Denny for us?'

' I guess I could...'


Mr Finch sits on the coach after hearing the news. He sighs and looks at Abbigail and Denny.

He decides to raise them as his own.

/A/N/ Lavana and Elena are characters I created to fit the story. They are not from the original series.

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