Fort Zuka

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/A/N/ You can skip this chapter, I just changed some of the dialogue.

Lucan's p.o.v

I swing my my sword and kill off a few zombies. Kiyoshi comes up behind him, and uses his halberd to kill off some more.

We clear the outside of Fort Zuka and regroup.

Kiyoshi is agitated. ' Fort Zuka is too valuable to fall into the hands of the Necromancers. We can't let the undead make it away with those weapons and supplies!'

Lucan scoffs. ' So whose idea was it to build walls if they could just tunnel underneath?'

' Well, most enemies don't travel underground with an army of undead, do they Lucan? ' Kiyoshi snaps back.

Kiyoshi looks up. ' Niika, what are you doing up there?'

I turn around and see Niika poised in a tree. ' Niika! '

' I saw the Necrolord inside the fort! ' Niika shouts to us, ' He's using a staff to control the undead. If I can get in there and retrieve it… '

' They won't be able to control their army…' I finish.

Kiyoshi disagrees. ' No, I am not risking your life for that.'

' You can't stop me, Dad.' Niika waves off his words and leaps from the tree. She grabs a vine on the wall and scales up the edge.

She turns back and smiles at me before going over the top.

Kiyoshi is agitated. ' Niika, come back here!'

Well, she was right. He can't climb over the wall and get her to come back now, can he.

' I'm sure she'll be fine!' I tell him.
' Come on, let's go to the front gate.'

Third person view

Niika drops down from the wall and slays a few undead. She looks up and spots the Necrolord heading towards the forge.

She quietly sneaks there, and prepares to do a surprise attack. But when she steps in, no one is there.

She turns around and sees the Necrolord standing at the doorway, a few undead surrounding him.

The Necrolord walks towards her as he strokes his staff. ' You must be Niika… I've been looking forward to this… opportunity for a very long time now…'

He rolls a Wither skeleton head into the room, which explodes and clouds Niika in a black smoke. She tries to brush it off as she begins to panic.

' Just relax, my dear… And look into my eyes…'

/A/N/ Another short chapter, you'll have to expect more of that from the Necromancer arc now, since their stories a little bit left behind in Season 2 and 3.

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