Preparing For Battle

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Third person view

Ataraxia has changed drastically since before. It has become militarized and has served as the Knights of Ardonia’s operational base ever since the fall of the capitals.

Ria's p.o.v

' How about the other Ardoni clans?' Senn asks.

' A handful of Ardoni joined us, but for the most part the clans are determined to stay out of this war,' Val tells us disappointingly.

' Cowards… I knew we couldn’t rely on them,' I groan.

' Ria, if they won't join us, we should just respect their wishes,' Thalleous tells me. I just roll my eyes.

' Do you think we’ll have enough forces to take Meridian?' Abbigail asks.

We all turns towards the Tidesinger.

' It is difficult to say, but this is the best opportunity we will ever have. Cydonia and K’arthen control the two largest armies of Ardonia. If we can unite them and control the beacon conduits, we could liberate a few capitals before the Nether has time to retaliate.'

Grim walks over to Herobrine casually, and looks at him curiously. He slowly reaches out to poke him, but Herobrine turns towards him menacingly and Grim puts his hand behind his head as if he was just scratching himself innocently.

' And at that point, the Nether will have lost their hold. It will be easier to strike at other, less fortified, points,' Hubris adds.

' Everything depends on the liberation of Meridian. Tomorrow is going to be a long battle, and it will not end there. You are all dismissed, sleep well tonight.'

Everyone leaves after the Tidesinger finishes talking.

' Goodnight, Senn,' I wave towards Senn who answers back.

' Sleep well, Ria.'

Senn's p.o.v

I stand there and watch Ria go.

Suddenly Grek nudges my shoulder and stands beside me.

' So you and the girl, huh?'

' We’re just friends.'

' Friends don’t look at each other that way.'

Grek punches me on the shoulder again, and is immediately returned with my Agressium Song. He flies back and lands on the ground.

/A/N/ Senn can control the force of his Agressium Song. When he fires his Song at Grek, it's force isn't big so he's totally fine.

He gets back up. ' Come on, kid. At least you have someone… I have yet to even meet another Jaggathan… much less a female… and even then she might not be interested in me…'

I turn towards him. I'm surprised, I had never really thought much about Grek’s emotional side before.

He notices. ' What? Aw, it’s fine, Senn! After this war’s over maybe we’ll go on another adventure and find the rest of my kind.' He walks off.

' Wouldn’t that be something…' I watch as Grek leaves, then look back towards the room we just came out from.

Herobrine remains, motionless. He looks up at me, then smiles and nods slightly.


Third person view

Back in the blacksmith, Galleous and Achillean remain. Achillean continues looking over the map, concerned.

' Gazing over that map all night will not bring you any closer to victory.'

Achillean looks up to see Galleous lugging a weapon over to the forge.

' You should get some sleep, Tidesinger.'

' I seldom sleep these days. I can rest when my work is done.'

Galleous places the weapon in the forge and it lets out a sizzle.

' You do not have to carry all this responsibility on your own. My brother has been leading and inspiring the troops, Abbigail has your side with the Enderknights, and I am always available to lend a hand.'

' And I am very grateful for your support. There are many brave hearts willing to stand up against evil, far more than in my day.'

Galleous takes the sword over to an anvil and waits a moment before returning his gaze to Achillean.
' Then what troubles you?

Achillean continues looking over the map.

' A great many things… I am afraid. I feel the incessant strain of my Songs clawing at my strength- growing more painful every day. You are aware of this I am sure… Thalleous experienced much worse effects.'

Galleous fidgets around with the weapon on the anvil. ' One reason of many why I stopped teaching Songs.'

' There is also the mystery of Ingressus and how he has been able to elude me. We have seen very few Voltaris in our battles… and Ingressus himself has not been present since the Second Great War began.'

' Supposedly he is still fixated on finding the remaining two Prime Songs. Fortunately that should occupy him… assuming my brother hid them well.'

Galleous activates his smithing Song and hammers on the weapon once or twice to correct an imperfection.

' So long have I spent hunting Ingressus, yet every time we face… I am unsure of my intentions,' Achillean sighs.

Galleous stops his work on the sword and looks over. ' I hope you intend to kill him… I know of no other who can.'

Tidesinger seems a bit uncomfortable and leaves.

' At our next confrontation… I imagine we will find out.'


In one of the sleeping areas of Ataraxia, Masani is trying to sleep.

Suddenly she’s rudely awoken by the sound of thumping.

Onyx is on the other side punching the wall repeatedly trying to warm up for the battle tomorrow.

' Do you mind?!' she shouts to him.

Onyx stops beating the wall. ' Masani? I didn’t know you could raise your voice that loud.'

Onyx goes to the floor and does pushups.

' Just warming up for tomorrow. I’m going to be around a lot of other Magnorites finally… I don’t want to look weak.'

Masani rolls to the side and tries to get comfortable again. They’re in other rooms, but are within easy earshot.

' So why do you care about Felora so much?' Onyx asks.

' That’s none of your business.'

Onyx stops doing pushups, goes over to the wall, and leans against it with his back to it.

' Do you want to know why I’m really warming up? It’s because I’m not the tough Magnorite I pretend to be. I was actually the weakest of my pack… the omega as we call them. I left them because they held me back, and I figured I could strengthen myself better on my own. That’s where Thalleous found me… just punching away at a house… no wonder humans hate us Magnorites.'

Onyx waits for a moment as he thinks about this.

' I don’t care for Felora…' Masani speaks up. ' I only care for a person living there: Lira. I haven’t seen her in so long… I don’t even know if she’s still alive.'

' Why haven’t you gone back?'

' Because I was banished from Felden. This will be my first chance back in…'

Onyx waits a moment longer, then gets up and moves to the far wall as he realizes she’s going to say no more.
' Well… I hope you find her again.'

He starts punching the far wall to warm up again, when suddenly Grek’s voice calls out.

' Onyx! Don’t make me come over there!'

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