Going Into Battle

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At the Mahoa docks, the Felden army is gearing up and ready to sail to Mount Tempest.

Lucan sits on the pier, looking out at a ship in the harbour. He swings his legs over the edge.

' I wish you wouldn't sit so close to the edge,' he hears Niika's voice behind him.

He slides back a bit onto the pier. ' Is that better?'

Niika sits down beside him. ' Much better.'

They sit together for a moment, both too shy to start a conversation.

' So... Kiyoshi's daughter, right?'

' Yeah, I didn't know he arrested you so many times, I guess I didn't feel the need to tell you. You probably didn't know him anyway.'

' I never knew he had a wife, not to mention a daughter.'

' My mother is also busy with all this... military stuff... I never see my parents much... '

' I've never even met my parents.'

Niika glances towards him, realising how unfortunate he was. ' I'm so sorry.'

' It's okay, it made me more independent anyway.'

Kiyoshi interrupts them. ' Hurry up, Lucan. We're ready to sail, unless you rather swim.'

Lucan stands up and looks at Niika.
' Well, I guess this is it. It's nice getting to know you, Niika.'

Nikka stands up as well. ' I'm coming with you!'

Kiyoshi turns around. ' No, Niika. You're staying here.'

' But father...'

' No buts, you're staying here.'

Niika groans as Kiyoshi walks away.

Niika turns to Lucan. ' Be safe.' Lucan nods.

He walks towards the ship, and looks back at Niika. Their eyes meet and they smile at each other.

Lucan boards the ship.


At the bow of the ship, the soldier who greeted Lucan earlier stands at attention when he sees Kiyoshi. ' Captain Kiyoshi, sir!'

' At ease, soldier.' Kiyoshi walks towards him.

' Yes, sir.' He puts down his hand.

They both look out over the ocean.

' As a Felina, I can understand being fearful of the water,' Kiyoshi says,
' but I suspect this is not what troubles you, Alec.'

Alec shakes his head. ' No, sir. It's just… defending against undead and rooting out bandits is one thing, but this…' Alec trails off.

' This is greater.' Kiyoshi finishes his sentence.

Alec nods. ' These undead are coordinated, armed and ruled by that dangerous psychopath they call the Necrolord. '

' I've been serving Felden ever since my grandfather was captain of the guards. I was half your age and expected to become the next captain after my father. How long have you been in the military?'

' Only three years, sir.'

' In those three years you have had more training than any of these Necromancer scum. When we find this Necrolord, I'll kill him myself and the rest will falter. If you obey my orders and remember your training, we will sail to victory today.' Kiyoshi pats Alec on his shoulder, making Alec smile a bit.

' Yes, sir.'


A few days later...

Niika is sitting in a park in Riverstead, alone. She was used to Lucan's company, and feels lonelier than ever.

Suddenly, she looks up and sniffs the air. She draws out her blades.


At Mount Tempest, the Felden army had just arrived. However, the place is empty.

Lucan looks towards Kiyoshi, realising the worst. ' We're too late…'


Back at Riverstead, the nearby farm animals start fleeing in panic. Niika walks towards the edge of town.

The Necrolord stands outside the city.
He raises his Wither staff, and the undead come out of the cave beneath him.

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