Dark Niika

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/A/N/ Again, I just changed the dialogue, you can skip this one if you want.

Lucan's p.o.v

We finally manage to break through the front gate.

' Fan out, look for tunnel breaches! ' Kiyoshi orders.

They spread out through the city. I look around for Niika. I look everywhere, inside buildings, in spaces between buildings. I walk into on of the spaces between buildings when suddenly, Niika drops down from the ledge.

I turn around but realise something is wrong. Her eyes as glowing and there is a Wither effect emanating from her.

' Niika…?'

She tilts her head sideways in a creepy manner. She abruptly pulls out one of her blades and charges towards me.

I quickly put up his sword and block her attack. She draws out her other blade and swings it at me, and I take a step back. Niika jumps and twirls around, and I back up again to dodge her attack.

Niika charges forward, and I block her blades with his sword. She then kicks him back and I fall to the ground.

Nikka turns her blades forward and jumps towards me, preparing to stab me.

In mid air, a figure jumps in and knocks Niika to the side, slamming her into a wall.

I get up and sees it is Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi stands between Lucan and Niika defensively.

Niika charges at Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi draws out his halberd and blocks her blades. He twirls around swinging his halberd, and Niika backs up.

Kiyoshi stops and raises his Halberd before slamming it between Niika's legs. Niika does a backflip and jumps onto a roof. Knowing she was outmatched, she retreated.

' What happened to her?' Kiyoshi asks me.

' I don't know! I just came here and she attacked me!' I tell him.

He holds out his hand, but I push it away. ' I can get up myself.'

We watch as Niika runs into the Necromancer tunnel.


' Another defeat. First Riverstead, now Fort Zuka,' Kiyoshi points to a map on the table in front of him. ' They're advancing north towards the capital, Felora. The next attack will be on Ferndale. Fortunately their movements are slower underground, which gives us time to prepare. '

' Wait, we're not going down after them?' I ask in surprise.

' The tunnels are their territory. Down there we're outnumbered and will be blind in the dark. '

' But they have Niika down there, we have to… '

' And Ferndale is full of civilians. Our priority is to get there first and evacuate them as quickly as possible.'

' They have your daughter down there!' I shout to him.

' I know, but there are many civilians in Ferndale. We need to evacuate them first, then we'll worry about my daughter.'

I groan.

' I have also received a message from Northwind. They’re sending a Chronicler down to join us, ' Kiyoshi continues.

Everyone looks around, a bit surprised as Chroniclers usually signify something very significant is happening. Some murmurs and whispers fill them room. I just stand there quietly.

' If Northwind is sending a Chronicler, then the situation is as serious as it gets. Our war with the Necromancers may well be written on the next Wall of Time,' Alec points out.

Kiyoshi turns towards me. 'Lucan, since you have no real military training, I’m assigning you to watch after the Chronicler. She’s a Felina female… just the sort of tail you like to chase.'

I jump across the table in anger and grab Kiyoshi. We both tumble onto the ground. A guard pulls me off Kiyoshi.

' If you want to fight me, it should at least be fair,' Kiyoshi gets up.

Without thinking, I throw the first punch. Kiyoshi blocks, but I quickly follow with an undercut and hit him in the chest.

He stumbles back. ' Same street rat as always.'

He punches me back. I block it but Kiyoshi jumps up and gets his leg over my shoulder. He pulls me to the ground.

' Remember your place, Lucan.'

Kiyoshi gets off me. I remain down.

Kiyoshi turns to his soldiers. ' I’m traveling to the other Kingdoms and requesting reinforcements. I’ll return as soon as I’m able.'

He glances at me. ' And take him to a doctor. See to it that he’s cared for and in better shape to receive the Chronicler when she arrives.'

' Yes, sir,' Alec says.

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