The Chronicler And Necromancers

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/A/N/ Nothing has changed in this chapter.

Kiyoshi’s p.o.v

We are preparing for the next Necromancer attack in Ferndale.

I ride past a female Felina with light pink hair carrying a stack of books. I realised she could be the Chronicler, and rush to put my horse back at the stables.

Nitsuke's p.o.v

I look around and approach a random soldier who is turned away, working on some weapons.

' Excuse me, where may I find Captain Kiyoshi?'

The soldier waits a moment before realising I was talking to him. He turns around and gestures to the side where a building is.

' Thank you.' I bow and a book slides off my stack as I turns to leave.

' Whoops! Sorry…' I awkwardly picks the book up.

I enter the building and spot a man.

' Good evening, sir. Are you Captain Kiyoshi?'

The man turns around with a dull look on his face. ' This is the kitchen, try the barracks.'

I walk out the building and look around. ' Right… Barracks… Where would those be?'

I wander around looking side to side, lost.

' You must be the Chronicler. I'm Kiyoshi, Captain of the Guard.'

Kiyoshi’s p.o.v

I reach out a hand to shake.

The Felina female turns around and sees me. ' Oh! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Nitsuke, Chronicler of Northwi…'

As she reaches out her hand to shake, her books begin falling off. She cuts off as she kneels down to pick her books back up.

I kneel down as well and help her to pick her books up. I hand one to Nitsuke. ' It looks like you came prepared. Do you normally use this many books?'

' Actually, I wasn't quite sure what to bring, so I brought everything. This is my first mission after all.'

I was a little disappointed. Sending an amateur Chronicler means that Northwind isn't taking the situation seriously.

I sigh. ' Well, I hope you and Lucan are getting along at least.'

' Who?'

I look up, surprised they haven't met yet.


Lucan's p.o.v

I drop down into the Necromancer tunnel, wearing the Necromancer suit I got before. I arrive at a gateway, which is guarded by a few zombies.

I pull out my Wither skeleton skull and use my sword to scrape the ground in circles like Xaria once did. I skillfully subdue the zombies and go through the doorway, entering the temporary Necromancer base.


Third person view

Lucan reaches a ledge and sees the Necrolord and a few Necromancers.
They have some prisoners lined up.

' These are all the prisoners from Fort Zuka, my lord,' Xaria tells the Necrolord.

The Necrolord walks by in front of them. He points his staff at Marcus.
' Leave this one, feed the rest to our… children.'

The Necromancers kick all the prisoners except Marcus into a pit full of undead. The undead eagerly rush towards the prisoners and eat them.

' What do you freaks want with me?' Marcus asks.

' Allow me to explain.' The Necrolord walks closer to Marcus. 'Firstly you are a… sheriff… of these parts and hold valuable knowledge of the surrounding area. Secondly, when you’re not otherwise occupied… you help around the forge. We could use someone with your… many talents.'

' I'll never work for you!'

' Oh, I think that you will.' The Necrolord chuckles and raises his staff.

Marcus tries to look away, but his eyes begin to dilate.

All the undead in the surrounding area also stop what they're doing and stare at the staff.

Lucan wants to leave, but spots Niika in the crowd, also entranced by the staff.

He walks up beside her. ' Niika? It's me, Lucan,' he whispers to her.

Nikka still remains motionless.

Lucan grabs her hand and holds it in his own. Niika turns away from the staff and looks at him, confused.

Marcus is now under the Necrolord's control. He begins walking off as he tells Xaria, ' Xaria, prepare the army. It is time for the next assault.'

' Right away, my lord.'

Xaria leaves. The Necrolord prepares to leave, but suddenly looks at Lucan.

Lucan remains calm. The Necrolord thinks he's just another one of the Necromancers and leaves.

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