Battle Of Meridian

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Third person view

In the morning, everyone follows the Tidesinger's lead to Meridian.


The Meridian docks can barely be seen in the morning light. A few Wither Skeletons patrol, making sure no civilians attempt to escape via ship.

The calm silence is suddenly broken as an Enderdragon swoops into view and breaths fire downwards. In a single sweep over the pier, the entire docks are lit ablaze.

The Wither over the city flies to engage, and suddenly Luna arrives from behind and attacks.

At the north of Meridian. Knights of Ardonia are waiting behind cover.

' The Wither took the bait! Knights of Ardonia, begin your attack!' the Tidesinger commands.

Everyone charges towards the barrier of netherrack and lava the Nether army has set up. The Tidesinger and Senn both fire offensive songs to break their ranks, then everyone else charges in and the battle begins.

Lightning strikes ahead and Herobrine appears, much to the Nether’s surprise. He charges forward and is the first to hit the barrier. He begins taking on many of the Wither Skeletons on his own.

Back to the Enderdragons, they are fighting the Wither. This one is far more experienced and dangerous than the previous Wither, and is able to successfully defend itself against both Dragons, hitting them with projectiles constantly.

Back to the frontlines, the last of the Wither Skeletons are dying as the Knights charge across the Meridian bridge and into the slums just outside the castle.

Arrows begin raining down, causing them to take cover behind tents and small buildings.

' We’ll never breach the gate against those archers.' Hubris tells them.

' Trevor, Saxon, you’re up. Clear the walls!' The Tidesinger turns to Saxon and Trevor.

' Here Trev, drink this.' Saxon hands Trevor a potion, and drinks one himself.

' What is it?'

' Strength boost. Come on we’re wasting time!'

Trevor drinks it quickly and they both pull out Enderpearls.

' Ready?' Saxon asks.

Trevor tosses his enderpearl.

' I was asking, I didn’t mean throw it now!' Saxon groans.

Trevor appears on the wall of the city and stumbles to the floor from the teleportation. He quickly catches himself and begins fighting off skeletons on the wall.

Saxon throws his enderpearl next. Trevor turns and watches the enderpearl fly over him and miss the wall completely. It lands somewhere in the city, but Trevor can't look further, so he continues fighting.

Saxon climbs up out of a pile of hay. Beside him a pig stares, and oinks once.

Above the city, both Luna and Thunderdome fly at the Wither from opposite sides. They each strike the Wither and it falls from the sky with a loud explosion.

Trevor finishes killing the last skeleton on the wall, then hops down into the courtyard and kills a few guards.

Saxon is leaning on the outside of the pig pen as he empties his boot of mud.

A Netharan with a large axe approaches Trevor, and they fight for a moment, and Trevor is thrown down. Saxon suddenly kills the Netharan from behind.

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