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Third person view

180 years ago...

Ingressus raises his staff, and his markings turn from Nestoris yellow to Voltaris red.

A Nestoris female in the crowd who was standing beside Achillean gasps.


' Emma!' Ingressus calls out to the Nestoris female.

' You lied to me! You were Voltaris this whole time?'

' I...'

' I don't want to see you again, Ingressus. We're done.' Emma begins walking off.

Suddenly, she feels a sharp pain. She gasps for air as she falls onto her knees, Ingressus' sword through her body.

She falls over, and her markings fade out.

Ingressus falls onto his knees beside her.

' What have I done...?'

He hears someone crying, and looks up. He walks up to a basket, in it laid three young Ardoni.

He shifts as he notices their markings match Emma's.

/A/N/ I know Ardoni's markings usually match their father's, but if Senn's markings were similar to Ingressus', it would be too obvious.

' I'm sorry...' he picks up his sword and leaves.


' They are Ingressus Voltaris' sons, we should kill them,' a Nestoris suggests.

Achillean objects. ' But they are so young...'

' They may turn out just like him. We cannot take the risk.'

' I'll take them! I'll raise them as my own.'

The Nestoris raises his eyebrows.

' If they do turn out like Ingressus, I'll take full responsibility,' Achillean adds.

The Nestoris is still not convinced.

' They are just children...'

The Nestoris finally gives in. ' Alright, alright. But remember, if anything goes wrong, it's on you.'

Achillean nods.

The Nestoris begins walking away.

' Wait!' Achillean stops him.

The Nestoris turns around. ' Yes?'

' Make sure no one knows who they are, in case they...'

The Nestoris thinks for a moment.
' We'll try out best to keep that a secret. Their markings match their mother's, so it should be easy.'

' Thank you...'


Senn, Deltheus and Almrak are raised by Achillean during the Great War.

A few years later, they have grown up enough to learn how to fight. Achillean teaches them to hold swords.

As time passes, Senn and Deltheus have improved their skills to use swords. Almrak uses a bow instead.

Thalleous occasionally comes over and teaches them as well.


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