Igneous VS Malakai

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/A/N/ This chapter has no changes from the original series.

That's Malakai in the picture, the only picture of him I could find.

Igneous' p.o.v

I arrive at a long, straight tunnel that extends as far as the eye can see into the distance. A mine track runs down it, which I  follow.

I reach the end of the tunnel where the Magnorites are mining. I starts mining as well to blend in.

Suddenly, I spots Borgen off to the side and go over to him. ' Hey, it's you!'

Borgen looks up, confused.

' We met just outside the tavern, my name's Igneous. Did I introduce myself before?'

' I've never met you…' Borgen says uneasily.

' Yeah, yeah, it was you! Borgen, right? You directed me to Maxwell. I've been trying to help K'arthen reunite…'

Borgen grabs me and pins him to a wall.

' What are you trying to do, get me killed?!' Borgen whisper-shouts to me, ' You don't talk like that around here.'

' I'm not from around here, but I came to help,' I say, a little quieter this time.

Borgen releases me slightly. ' Why would you want to help us?'

' Because I'm a Magnorite like yourself, and what happens here affects us all.'

Borgen lets go of me. ' You need to be more careful, Igneous. You’re lucky I’m one of the few Magnorites who wants peace with Cydonia. It’s hard to find others willing to stick their neck out and stand against the majority.'

Borgen stops talking as a Magnorite passes by us.

Borgen lowers his voice. ' Listen, when our shift is over, follow me closely. I’ll show you something.'

I nod.


After our shift, Magnorites are returning from the tunnels. In the crowd, Borgen tugs me to follow him into a side-room at the end of the mine track.

' This way, quickly.'

We sneak into the room and hide behind some crates. I look around the room, and see piles of TNT.

' Oh my… that’s a lot of TNT. Is this how they’ve been mining the tunnel?'

' This isn't a mining tunnel, Igneous.'

I don't understand. ' So… what is it?'

Borgen looks grim as he points at the tunnel. ' It's heading south…under Cydonia.'

I frown as I pieces everything together. ' They're going to attack Cydonia from below…'

' The people of K’arthen are finally starting to want peace, and that threatens those in power,' Borgen explains, 'If they can re-ignite the war…'

' They'll stay in power,' I finish his sentence.

' Exactly. And judging from the distance of this tunnel, they're almost there.'

' I have to tell Maxwell, he doesn't know about this,' I turn to leave.

' Be more careful this time,' Borgen tells me, ' And do hurry.'


When I arrive at Maxwell's house, it ransacked and in a mess. I hurry outside, but is surrounded by some Magnorite guards.

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