The Enderknights

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/A/N/ I'm running out of pictures...

Abbigail's p.o.v

We have been recruiting for the past few weeks.

We stopped at Twin Pass and recruited an enchanter, Trevor, who is surprised, but his family manages to encourage him to go.

We stopped again in Amaria to recruit a potion brewer, Saxon. While there, I notice some Unyielding Legionnaires, but I choose not to pursue them. I have more important things to do.


Now we're walking in the wilderness again. Saxon and Trevor talk at the back while I walk in front, following the Eye of the End.

Saxon holds out a potion to Trevor.
' Just try a sip. Trust me, you'll like it.'

' What is it?'

' It’s just a little water, sugar… and a nether wart.'

' I don't want to drink nether warts…'

' Bawk, bawk! I think we recruited a chicken!'

' Fine, gimme that!

Trevor snatches the potion and takes a sip.

Suddenly, Trevor starts talking super fast. ' Wow, you’re right that actually tasted pretty good I didn’t know nether warts were this delicious!'

' See, I told you…'

' Huh, what did you say? Why is everyone walking so slow now?' Trevor continues talking super fast.

Trevor runs ahead and zooms past me and Denny.

We stop and turn to Saxon, who is laughing.

Saxon looks up and sees us staring at him.

' What? I just gave him a little… Eh… Don't worry, it'll wear off… I hope…'

Denny shrugs his shoulders and we turn back forward to continue walking.

' Are we still going the right way?' Denny asks.

' Yeah, of course, we are… Wait, what?' I cuts herself out as I notices the Eye of the End is out of her sight.
' Where'd it go?'

' Abbi, you aren't getting us lost, are you?' my brother asks again.

Trevor quickly runs past us, still having the effect of the whatever Saxon gave him. ' Oh, ok, we’re going this way now that’s fine by me I was getting ahead anyway. Come on keep up!'

As I watch him zoom by, I see the Eye of the End. It is jittering in different directions aimlessly.

Luna, who was flying above earlier, lands down beside us.

Suddenly, another Enderdragon lands beside Luna, and a person on top hops off.

' If you’re looking for me, you’re headed the wrong way.'

' Who are you?' I ask.

' Someone who has heard that a charming young lady was recruiting the new generation of Enderknights. My name is Allister Evanstein the Third.' he bows to me. He then gestures to his Enderdragon. ' And this here, is the almighty Thunderdome.'

Saxon walks forward. ' Hey, you both have dragons? Where can I get mine?'

I ignore him and continue talking to Allister. ' We were on our way to find you, but it looks like you found us first. Welcome to the team.'

Trevor walks up slowly, completely tired and out of breath.

' Welcome- I’m just… going to… going to sit down… for a bit…' Trevor sits on the ground.

' You were flying him? How long ago did he hatch?' I ask.

' Nearly half a year ago,' Allister smiles as he tells me, 'Shortly after yours from what I’ve gathered.'

Thunderdome moves over to Denny and nudges him curiously. But Denny  pushes him away.

' Have you ridden your dragon yet?' Allister asks me.

' No, I don't think Luna is ready for that.'

Luna looks shocked and nudges me.

' What? You're still young,' I tell her.

Luna still looks upset.

'Well if you could carry me all this time why didn’t you let me know?!' I ask in frustration. I had to walk this entire journey!

Luna uses her head to push me onto her back.

Allister mounts Thunderdome as he smiles. ' Come on, let's see if she can do her job.'

He pulls out his sword, a very intricate diamond one, and slaps the side of it against Thunderdome. Thunderdome growls and takes off.

Luna also starts running off getting some speed.

Denny and the others remain behind.

Luna spreads her wings, and leaps off the edge of a steep cliff. She starts falling, but begins flapping her wings, and flies for the first time.

They catch up to Allister and Thunderdome. I glance over as Allister nods and smiles sweetly.

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