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Laughter erupted the entire playground as a small group of kids was making fun of a little girl who was kneeling on the dirt with salty tears rolling down on her puffy cheeks.

"What's the matter? You can make water now?" One of the boys teased as he was copying the girl's action mockingly.

"Oh wait, those are tears." One of them pretended to realize. "Just don't pee in your skirt next, okay?"

At that, the boys' laughter hardened while the little five-year-old girl with her braided pigtails lowered her gaze back to the ground. Her raven-black bangs hid her chocolate brown eyes while more tears began to race down once more.

"Hey! Leave my sister alone!" The new voice shouted making the bullies turn to see a boy around their age but features that are matching with the little girl's.

"You're the brother of this monster?" The small leader asked who started the whole thing.

"Call her that again and I will break your leg!" Threatened the brother figure before running at the bullies with full speed. Taking the message seriously the boys began to run for their lives while the overprotective brother chased after them like a dragon.

Meanwhile, his little sister kept on crying her eyes out even though those mean kids were gone. As she began to get up from the floor, still sniffing a woman with two boys just walked by and took notice of her small frame. Immediately the woman's mother instincts told her to help the poor little soul. She rushed over to the crying little girl and kneeled down to her level.

"Is everything okay sweetheart?" Asked the lady softly, making the little girl look up with her teary red-eyes and lips trembling like she is trying to keep herself from bursting out again.

"There-there now." Said the woman with a warm and gentle smile as she pulled out a white tissue and give it to the little girl to wipe her tears up and blew her nose in it. "No little angel deserves to be sad." At that the little girl gave a sheepish smile to the woman with blueish-black hair but then her eyes suddenly caught the two boys' presence.

"What's your name little one and where is your mother?" Asked the kind lady.

"M-Miyuki Urameshi ma'am. A-and my mommy just came back." Replied the child before pointing a finger at the brunette woman who, on cue, took a seat on one bench while sucking in the toxic essence of a cigarette through her mouth.

"Oh, dear." The mother figure said under her breath as she shook her head with disapproval, knowing full well this is not how you should raise your child. "And you were here all alone?" She asked the little girl with a soft tone.

"N-no." Miyuki replied with a small and a little shaky voice. "M-my brother was here too, but he is chasing those mean boys away from me after they called me a monster." As that the little Urameshi girl's voice cracked as her eyes began to water up once more.

"Oh sweetie, don't listen to them." The mother figure said as she gave a small pat on the girl's tiny head.

"Yeah." One of her boys behind her chimed in with a big smile on his face. "I mean, monsters aren't usually this pretty." At the reply, Miyuki looked at the boy in wonder as her cheeks began to flush slightly pink.

"Y-you think I'm pretty?" The little girl stuttered because no one had ever said something like this before.

"Yeah." The boy replied with a bright smile which was a toothy grin, even though one of the front teeth was missing. His hair, as black as his mother's hair while his eyes here as green as the four-leave clover, similar to the one the boy next to him has, but instead of blueish black hair, his was as red as the rose.

"And cute too. Right, Shuichi?" Asked the bandana boy from the redhead.

"Yes, little brother, she is." He replied, offering a friendly smile toward her direction.

"My name is Sanyu by the way. It's very nice to meet you." Introduced the boy with the bandana with a small boy. He stretched his small hands out to Miyuki who gladly took it.

"Shuichi." The read headed boy nodded, his smile never leaving his features. "Shuichi Minamino."

"Nice to meet you two as well." The black-haired girl replied, now her fire of joy back in her eyes. "I hope we can be good friends."

"I would love to be friends with you." Sanyu replied happily and excited bringing out a smile of joy from little Miyuki. "Hey, wanna play Pirates with us?"

"I would love to!" exclaimed the little girl with a huge grin on her face while her heart is swelled with happiness and pride.

But then suddenly the whole scene vanished by a blinding light like it was nothing but a flashback.

Old Memories. . .


A small sad smile twitched onto my lips for a small hot second as my gaze was still on the beauty of this picture that was captured in my childhood while my free hand grasped onto another item of mine that was just as precious as this picture was

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A small sad smile twitched onto my lips for a small hot second as my gaze was still on the beauty of this picture that was captured in my childhood while my free hand grasped onto another item of mine that was just as precious as this picture was.

That first meeting was unforgettable and one of the best things that ever happened in my life. Sadly, however, that lived really shortly and died down really quickly. So was my spark that died along with him.

Sanyu. . .

It's been two years since he had left this world, but not a day or minute had gone by without thinking about my very best friend for the slightest. . .

But today I felt like I am witnessing the whole thing again. . . The same pain and agonizing experience. . . . . . But not with him this time, but someone who I was so close to and was always there to protect me.

A knock on my door interrupted my search through the thoughts of my own library, making me empty my face from the emotions quickly while hiding my treasured items from view.

"Come in." I blankly said while my eyes turned to the door which soon opened up, revealing my mother, Atsuko.

"Miyuki, can you help me?" My mother asked gravely as here eyes were filled with fresh tears. With a sigh on sorrow, I just silently nod my head before getting up to my feet and go to the hall where we prepared the shrine for my brother's funeral tonight.


Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now