CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2

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Once our friends were completely out of earshot I finally had enough of Hiei's stupidity and decide to do what my brother can do best.

Do something stupid that I might gonna regret later.

I spit into the demon's palm making him yank his hand away from my lips and glare through his eyes.

"What was that for?!" Hiei snapped at me as he looked down at his hand palm that had my spit on it, but then I noticed it looked somewhat red.

"Hn." I just huffed at the demon with my eyes rolling to the side, but then I lifted up a finger and touched my lips. Once I looked at the tip of my finger, I see the red lipstick.

"Shit." I murmured under my breath as I began to wipe that red paint off of me. Then a yelp escaped from my lips when the idiot tossed something toward me. It was my kunai bag.

"You forgot it." Hiei bluntly informed. I didn't say anything but rolled my eyes out of irritation since his attitude was just so annoying. However, it was not as bad as my brother's immaturity. As my hand was placing the small black bag around my thigh, my ears caught I hear Shadow Lord talk again.

"We need to talk." Hiei's sudden sentence, made me completely froze in my actions because . . the anti-social Three-eyed Porky Pine wants to speak to me? Is this a dream?

Well, looks like there is always a first time for everything.

However, I didn't find myself drawn to it. Sure, I was surprised but. . . I felt also somewhat upset for some reason. . . then my mind drifted to our last conversation I had with this little jerk.

"There is nothing to talk about anymore." I told him quietly with a blank face on me. "You said it yourself, you don't want to do anything with the topic anymore." My head turned away from the demon as my right hand rubbed my left arm. "You don't need me, and you will go back to Demon World anyways once your deeds are done for Spirit World. I get it, okay?" Then I close my eye and took a deep breath, letting my back leaning against the tree trunk. I stayed like that for a while, not even bothering to look at Hiei. I'm kind of surprised that I don't feel awkward about simply being around him. To my surprise, I felt his very presence getting close to me, and the next thing I knew, he was sitting right next to me.

"You know you didn't have to take my words that personal." The Jerkass suddenly spoke up, but I just remained in my position. My ears caught him sighing. "What I meant to say back then is that starting this would be pointless."

"Tsk, like that would make me feel any better." I scoffed at him, my arms crossing over my chest. Out of nowhere, a hand grasped onto my shirt and yanked me toward Hiei's direction, forcing my eyes to open up and look into his crimson orbs.

"Your human emotions keep you from thinking clearly." The demon boy snapped at me, making me mentally flinch at the tone he was using. "Be serious about this-."

"I am!" I firmly stated. "I am being serious about this."

"Then you're a fool!" Hiei raised his voice. "Why would you, a human, even want to be with a demon-like me?! I am giving you a chance to walk out of it, be free from it all so you can spend the rest of your life with someone far better than I am." His words hit me hard in the heart. . . .

I feel my stoic expression soften up as my heart began to beat rapidly. My mind then began to finally piece things together, making me finally understand what this demon's real intentions are and how he is feeling. . .

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