CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion

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"See?!? This is what I was talking about!" Master Yara gave Yusuke a big lecture after like an hour of explanation from the male Spirit Detective and his friends. "But it seems like my dear sister didn't knock enough sense into that empty head of yours." She scolded even more as her hand was pulling the young black-haired boy by the ear.

"Leave me alone! I tried my best, okay?!" The now ten-year-old Urameshi boy snapped at the woman as he tried to bat her hands away. He eventually succeeded, but in the process, his butt landed on the parkette.

"Keep it down, will you?!" Ruby warned in a whisper/shout who just happened to walk in with a small round tray in her hands that had a few cups of hot herb tea. "You will end up waking up the whole forest around us." She commented as she offered one cup to the young and short-haired Kurama, who gladly took it.

"What happened to the culprit? Did you managed to catch him?" Miyuki suddenly asked, not taking her eyes off of the tiny Hiei who was still lying unconscious on the sickbed. The teen girl's hand was glowing brightly on the little fire demon's forehead since his fever hadn't cooled down.

"Oh-uh. . ." Yusuke began but in an instant, he began to sweat nervously while one hand rubbed the back of his head. "Well. . ."

"Don't tell me he got away!" Botan exclaimed, clearly not wanting her suspicion to come true, but by the looks of things, it already happened.

"Oh give me a break Botan, that thing almost killed us." Yusuke irritatedly pointed out the obvious since he and the others had been doing this really recently like no kidding, every mission so far was like a new death wish.

"But now what?" Ruby asked worriedly as she placed the tray of teas down and went to check on the little black-haired boy's injuries once more. "What are you going to do about. . . this?" She gestured at Yusuke's young form and then at the other two.

"Yeah. . ." Miyuki chimed in as well as she cleaned Hiei's face gently with a wet rag. "How long will it take to turn back to normal and how are we going to fix this?"

"We're not really sure." Kurama meekly said before swallowing down the hot tea down his throat. "Let's just hope that this is just temporary." Then a small cough came right after his sentence.

"Is there anything you can about this Genkai?" Ruby asked with hope in her eyes.

"Beats me." The old woman with grayish-pink hair replied with a bored tone. "They brought this on themselves."

"Shut up you old ha-!" Before Yusuke can even say it, a fist walloped him up on the back of his head. A loud and miserable groan escaped through his lips as rubbed the spot where his lump is.

"Quit being mean for one second, okay?!?" Yusuke snapped at his little sister, or well at the moment big sister. "You can't wallop up an injured person like that!"

"I will stop, once you take things more seriously, you brat!" Miyuki snapped back with a low yet stern voice that a mother would have. The facial expression on her later on melted down as she took a deep breath and closed her eye while trying to calm her nerves down by massaging each side of her head. "Okay, now what?" The female Spirit Detective asked. "What are we going to say to mom?"

"A lie." Genkai butted in boredly. "Until this problem won't fix itself, you all stay here for the night or as long as it's needed."

"Great." Yara sarcastically said as she pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a small and tired sigh. "Things can't get any weirder." The comment made Miyuki remember her ability she had discovered by accident.

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