CH38 - Final Decisions

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Kata walked toward her bedroom and slammed the door close behind her. Letting out an exhausted sigh she leaned her back onto the door's wooden surface and let herself slide down to the ground. She pulled her knees close to her chest and hugged while her face was buried into them as her mind kept flashing back to the conversation she had with her 'prisoner'.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you." Ruby apologized sincerely as her eyes reflected sorrow, even though she still held that straight face on her expression.

"It's okay." The woman replied with a sad tone. "I deserve it anyway. . .After all, my father killed your family." She reminded the girl as guilt washed over her because of something that it was technically not her fault.

"But. . . You weren't there. . . were you?" Ruby carefully pointed out, and to her surprise, she got a shake of a head from Kata.

"My father was there only . . ." The woman in blue uniform said as she shook her head.

'Now that I think about those days, I remember how unhappy I was back then. . .' Kata thought to herself 'How my sister got praised most of the time while all I got was the cold shoulder. . . And even after many years of training, I still can see the disappointment in his eyes. . .'

'Mara was born lucky while you were lucky to be born.' Zankoku's cold words echoed in Kata's thoughts, making the woman growl angrily, and the more she thought about it the more furious she became. 'I do my best, do everything just to get his love and approval. . . But he never pays attention to my achievements. . . All I am doing here is pleasing him. . . while wasting my life here. . . for a dream that means everything to him and Mara. . . while I mean nothing to them. . . '

"If you don't think what he's doing is right, when why are you still helping him?" Ruby asked, making Kata let out a sorrowful sigh.

"I have nowhere else to go. . ." The woman replied sadly. "He and Mara are the only family I have left."

"Kata, they're just using you." Ruby tried to knock some sense into the warrior. "Family doesn't treat each other like this. If they really cared about you then they would accept you no matter what! Aren't you tired of staying here and helping them get their selfish needs? I mean, there is so much opportunity out there. Something that would help you create your own path." The water-bender girl paused a little." You don't need to rely on anyone or get anyone's approval. You don't need to earn your father's love. A real father would love their child unconditionally and would never neglect them. It doesn't matter what you can do, be strong, weak, or talented, family means that they love and support each other no matter what and they never leave anyone behind. . ."

Now Kata finally opened her eyes. . . After years of many conflicts and blind trust. . . She was done with her father's thirst for power. Because of that, she never got a chance to have a normal demon life, or to have a life at all. Kata spent all her life training, to become the perfect warrior for her family, in order to protect them and help them. . . But now she finally sees that this is no longer the family she once knew. . . loved. . . and fought for. . .

Not only that, she knew deep down within her, but she can also do much more than just be a warrior. . .

After that moment of thinking, Kata finally opened her eyes. . . she got back to her feet and went to grab another fighting outfit from her wardrobe and put it on. Unlike her usual blue uniform, it was green and unique on its way since it was made by her mother's hand and magic. It had been waiting for the perfect moment to come out of that duty closet and fight for the right justice. . . Now that time had finally come. . .

Once it was on Kata, she pulled out a headpiece and mask that had decorations that are made out of gold while covered in colour that matched her warrior uniform.

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