CH31 - Into the Unknown

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[Miyuki's mission dress

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[Miyuki's mission dress. Again. Art by me.]

I pull out the warrior uniform that I last used in our mission to the Maze Castle. It was a good thing to have at least three of them. Well, I don't know why did Master Yara have that many copies, but I can't really complain since they were perfect to fight in them. After changing into them I placed the kunai knife bag onto my right thigh along with the leather bota bags that held my main weapon, the water. Once I was done with clothing, I took out the long blue ribbon, then turned my massive bouquet of black hair locks into a usual tight and clean bun with two braids on each side. With one strong pull, every strand of hair on the back area was tied up.

And then, as the small pink band made its way up to my wrist, now we can finally go for tonight's mission.

Well, me at least.

With a small groan, I walked out of my room and went into Yusuke's where he is asleep on the bed, still wearing his usual green clothes. He was lying on his stomach while his head was turned to the side. Not to mention that gross puddle of salvia that drooled out of the corner of his mouth.

Well, that's disgusting.

With an irritated exhale I harshly cleared my throat and prepared to do what I always practice in the School Drama Class. Mimic people's voice and impression.

"WAKE UP SLACKER!" I shouted into my brother's ears, imitating the voice of Genkai's as best as I can. A huge scream escaped through Yusuke's throat as he fell on the floor, flat on his face.

"Leave me alone you old bi-!" Yusuke exclaimed, but I cut him off by covering his mouth with my hands. I hear his muffled nonsense breathing against my skin, but as soon as he finally caught a glimpse of me, he shot daggers through his eyes. Then the unexpected happened. This punk actually dared to lick my hand.

I cried out in disgust before wiping my brother's DNA into his blanket.

"HA! Take that!" Yusuke yelled as he pointed one finger at me and laughed like he just did a really funny thing. However, a devilish idea popped right into my mind and hopefully, this will get me the last laugh.

"Well, if this is how you feel, then maybe I should tell Keiko about our new adventure." I threw the white lie into my brother's dearest's ear, making him finally shut up while his face paled. "At least she will-!" I was cut off when I turned around and saw Yusuke's face right into my face. Our nose touching and he looked pissed while I just stayed blank on the outside while feeling amused on the inside.

"Don't. You. Dare!" He warned me, but I just narrowed my eyes at him. Before our sibling argument could go any further, a knock on glass was heard not far behind us. It came from my room no doubt. I walked back to my room and see Botan and . . . Hiei standing in my balcony. I opened the door and walked out with my brother by my side.

"Are you two ready?" Our assistant asked me and Yusuke. I nodded my head in reply as my stare suddenly caught Hiei's scarlet-red orbs. At that very moment, our eyes locked into one another.

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