CH17 - Into The Maze Castle

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As Keiko was ordering chocolate milkshakes for the three of us, I fixated his hair and turned to Kuwabara, who we had bumped into on the street and decided to join us.

"So do your arms bend in the right direction now?" I asked with a little bored tone. It's not like I didn't care I was just dead tired from the training Miyuki and I both had from those two grandmas.

"Yeah, with Genkai's healing powers I was only in bed for a day after the fight." Replied Kuwa as he lifted up his fist. "I can try them on you if you want!" He cockily threatened, which just make me laugh.

"Buddy, I'm afraid they'd send me to jail." I warned him truthfully, but a bit cockily as well. "After what Miyuki and I learned from those old ladies, fighting you would be cruel."

"So, was the training very hard?" My thug friend asked me curiously, earning a groan from me.

"Let's just say I'll be having nightmares for the next four years cause of that crap I went through." I scoffed out annoyed as I remembered all of those stupid and awful things my sister and I had to endure from those two crazy bitches. The snakes, needless, bone-fire, hours of standing on one finger and such, not to mention those ass kicks that crazy blind Yara had preformed on us along with that sister of hers. What a pain, that's for sure.

"Then I sat and meditated on bonfire for a week." I listed the many torturing methods me and my sister had to go through. "Oh, and I had to sleep with snakes for three weeks."

"AGH!" Kuwabara cried out in fear. "Okay, forget I asked. Just listening to everything gives me the creeps." I gave a slight chuckle at that. Of course, he would freak out like that.

"Yeah, but it was worth it for all the tricks we have learned." I told him, making his eyes lit up with wonder. 

"Ouhh, now that's what I want to see." Kuwa said in awe.

"Maybe next time, when my sister is also there." I promised to him since I really want Miyuki to be there too to show off. 

"Woah really?" My thug friend asked a little surprised. "Speaking of which where is your sister anyway? Did you left her at the old ladies to suffer more?"

"No." I replied as I also shook my head. "She is going to see-" "See what?" Keiko's sudden question startled both of us. Sure enough, she was in front of us with our milkshakes in her hands.

"Oh, uh. . ." I mumbled out loud. Come on Yusuke, think. Wait I got it!

"Yeah, Miyuki told us she went to see her friend, sadly missing the movie Kuwabara and I wanted to see, right Kuwabara?" I lied as I nervously turned to Kuwa who was just in the same state as I was.

"Yoo, movies I love them!" The punk replied nervously but at least he managed to play along.

"Oh!" Keiko said with enthusiasm. She actually bought the lie, thank god. "I know a great foreign art film!"

"Oh, great!" I trailed off but smiled with relief. With that, we all started to head toward the movie theatre together. I watched as Keiko was leading us, giggling whole-heartedly. She seems really cheerful today.

"I haven't seen Keiko this happy for months." Kuwabara informed me. "You guys must really have something for her to be that way."

At that, I slyly turned away with my cheeks heating up a little. But then out of nowhere, I was captured in a headlock by the ugly idiot.

"Don't act like you're not excited too!" Stupid Kuwabara screamed into my ears as his fist almost squished the milkshake out of me. "How do you think Keiko feels when you pretend you don't care?"

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